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spsurvey (version 4.1.4)

plot_powerpaneldesign: Plot Power Curves for Panel Designs


Plot power curves and relative power curves for trend detection for set of panel designs, time periods, indicators, signifance levels and trend. Trend may be based on percent change per period in mean or percent change in proportion of cumulative distribution function above or below a fixed cut point. Types of plots are combinations of standard/relative, mean/percent, period/change and design/indicator. Input must be be of class powerpaneldesign and is normally the output of function power.dsgn.


plot_powerpaneldesign(dsgnpower, plot.type = "standard",
  trend.type = "mean", xaxis.type = "period", comp.type = "design",
  dsgns = NULL, indicator = NULL, trend = NULL, period = NULL,
  alpha = NULL)



List object of class powerpaneldesign. Object provides power calculated for a set of panel designs, set of indicators, set of trend values, and set of alpha values. Expect input as list as output from function power.dsgn.


Default is "standard" which plots standard power curve. If equal to "relative", then plot power of one panel design compared to one or more other panel designs.


Character value for trend in mean ("mean") or or percent change in proportion ("percent") of cumulative distribution function above or below a fixed cut point. Default is "mean".


Character value equal to "period" or "change" which designates the type of x-axis for power plot where power is plotted on y-axis. For xaxis.type = "period", x-axis is periods in dsgnpower. If xaxis.type = "change", then x-axis is percent per period with secondary x-axises for total percent per period and associated change in mean. Default is "period". Note that xaxis.type controls how the input for "period" and "trend" paramenters is used.


Character value equal to "design" or "Indicator" which designates the type of power curve comparison that will occur on a single plot. If comp.type = "design", then on a single plot of power curves all panel designs specified in "dsgns" are plotted for a single indicator, single trend value and single alpha. If comp.type = "indicator", then on a single plot of power curves all indicators specified in "indicator" are plotted for a single panel design, single trend value and single alpha. Default is "design".


Vector of names of panel designs that are to be plotted. Names must be all, or a subset of, names of designs in dsgnpower. Default is NULL which results in only the first panel design in dsgnpower being used.


Vector of indicator names contained in dsgnpower that are to be plotted. Indicator names must be all, or a subset of, indicator names in dsgnpower. Default is NULL which results in only the first indicator in dsgnpower being used.


NULL, a single value or vector of values contained in dsgnpower that will be plotted. Values must be all, or a subset of, trend values in dsgnpower. If xaxis.type is equal to "period", then NULL results in maximum trend value being used and a single value or vector of values results in a separate plot for each value specified. If xaxis.type is equal to "change", then NULL results in all trend values in dsgnpower being plotted on x-axis and a vector of values results in all trend values in dsgnpower from minimum value to maximum value specified being plotted on x-axis.


NULL, a single value or vector of values contained in dsgnpower that will be plotted. Values must be all, or a subset of, period values in dsgnpower. If xaxis.type is equal to "period", then NULL results in all time periods in dsgnpower being plotted on x-axis and a vector of values results in all period values in dsgnpower from minimum value to maximum value specified being plotted on x-axis. If xaxis.type is equal to "change", then NULL results in all time periods in dsgnpower being plotted in separate plots and a vector of values results in time periods specified being plotted in separate plots.


A single value or vector of significance levels (as proportion, e.g. 0.05) contained in dsgnpower to used for power plots. Specifying more than a single value results in multiple plots. Default is NULL which results in the minimum significance level in dsgnpower being used.


One or more power curve plots are created and plotted. User must specify output graphical device if more than one plot is created. See Devices for graphical output options.


By default the plot function produces a standard power curve at end of each time period on the x-axis with y-axis as power. When more than one panel design is in dsgnpower, the first panel design is used When more than one indicatoris in dsgnpower, the first indicator is used When more than one trend value is in dsgnpower, the maximum trend value is used. When more than one significance level, alpha, is in dsgnpower, the minimum significance level is used.

Control of the type of plot produced is governed by plot.type, trend.type, xaxis.type and comp.type. The number of plots produced is governed by the number of panel designs (dsgn) specified, the number of indicators (indicator) specified, the number of time periods (period) specifice, the number of trend values (trend) specified and the number of significance levels (alpha) specified.

When the comparison type ("comp.type") is equal to "design", all power curves specified by dsgn are plotted on the same plot. When comp.type is equal to "indicator", all power curves specified by "indicator" are plotted on the same plot. Typically, no more than 4-5 power curves should be plotted on same plot.

See Also


create a panel revisit design


create a balanced incomplete block panel revisit design


create a revisit design with random assignment to panels and time periods


summarize characteristics of a revisit panel design


power calculation for multiple panel designs


covariance matrix for a panel design


Run this code
# Construct a rotating panel design with sample size of 60
R60N <- revisit_dsgn (20, panels=list(R60N=list(n=60, pnl_dsgn = c(1, NA),
                      pnl_n=NA, start_option="None")), begin=1 )

# Construct a fixed panel design with sample size of 60
F60 <- revisit_dsgn (20, panels=list(F60=list(n=60, pnl_dsgn = c(1, 0),
                     pnl_n=NA, start_option="None")), begin=1 )

# Power for rotating panel with sample size 60
Power.tst <- power.dsgn("Variable_Name", ind.values = 43, unit.var = 280,
                        period.var = 4, unitperiod.var = 40, index.var = 90,
                        unit.rho = 1, period.rho = 0, paneldsgn = list(
                          R60N=R60N, F60=F60), nrepeats = NULL,
                        trend.type = "mean", trend= c(1.0, 2.0), alpha=0.05 )
plot_powerpaneldesign(Power.tst, dsgns = c("F60", "R60N"))
plot_powerpaneldesign(Power.tst, dsgns = c("F60", "R60N"), trend = 1.0)
# }
plot_powerpaneldesign(Power.tst, plot.type = "relative", comp.type = "design",
     trend.type = "mean", trend = c(1, 2), dsgns = c("R60N", "F60"),
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab