# (1) Plot of an empirical censored distribution (censored data) as a CDF
# using the default Turnbull method
d1 <- as.data.frame(log10(smokedfish))
# (2) Add the CDF of a normal distribution
# (3) Various plots of the same empirical distribution
# default Turnbull plot
plotdistcens(d1,Turnbull = TRUE)
# Turnbull plot with confidence intervals
plotdistcens(d1,Turnbull = TRUE,Turnbull.confint = TRUE)
# with intervals and points
plotdistcens(d1,rightNA=3, Turnbull = FALSE)
# with intervals and points
# defining a minimum value for left censored values
plotdistcens(d1,leftNA=-3, Turnbull = FALSE)
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