The function estimates parameters mean mu
and standard deviation sig
In cases of incomplete sampling the estimate of mu
will be confounded with the sampling
intensity (see rpoilog
). Assuming sampling intensity \(\nu\),
the estimates of the mean is \(\code{mu}+\ln(\nu)\). Parameter sig
can be estimated without
any knowledge of sampling intensity.
The parameters must be given starting values for the optimization procedure (default starting values are
used if starting values are not specified in the function call).
The function uses the optimization procedures in optim
to obtain the maximum likelihood estimate.
The method
and control
arguments are passed to optim
, see the help page for this
function for additional methods and control parameters.
A zero-truncated distribution (see dpoilog
) is assumed by default (zTrunc = TRUE
In cases where the number of zeros is known the zTrunc
argument should be set to FALSE
The approximate fraction of species revealed by the sample is \(1-q(0;\code{mu},\code{sig})\).
Parametric bootstrapping is done by simulating new sets of observations using the estimated parameters
(see rbipoilog