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predIntLnormSimultaneous: Simultaneous Prediction Interval for a Lognormal Distribution


Estimate the mean and standard deviation on the log-scale for a lognormal distribution, or estimate the mean and coefficient of variation for a lognormal distribution (alternative parameterization), and construct a simultaneous prediction interval for the next \(r\) sampling occasions, based on one of three possible rules: k-of-m, California, or Modified California.


predIntLnormSimultaneous(x, n.geomean = 1, k = 1, m = 2, r = 1, rule = "k.of.m", 
    delta.over.sigma = 0, pi.type = "upper", conf.level = 0.95, 
    K.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)

predIntLnormAltSimultaneous(x, n.geomean = 1, k = 1, m = 2, r = 1, rule = "k.of.m", delta.over.sigma = 0, pi.type = "upper", conf.level = 0.95, K.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, est.arg.list = NULL)



For predIntLnormSimultaneous, x can be a numeric vector of positive observations, or an object resulting from a call to an estimating function that assumes a lognormal distribution (i.e., elnorm or elnormCensored). You cannot supply objects resulting from a call to estimating functions that use the alternative parameterization such as elnormAlt or elnormAltCensored.

For predIntLnormAltSimultaneous, a numeric vector of positive observations.

If x is a numeric vector, missing (NA), undefined (NaN), and infinite (Inf, -Inf) values are allowed but will be removed.


positive integer specifying the sample size associated with future geometric means. The default value is n.geomean=1 (i.e., individual observations). Note that all future geometric means must be based on the same sample size.


for the \(k\)-of-\(m\) rule (rule="k.of.m"), a positive integer specifying the minimum number of observations (or geometric means) out of \(m\) observations (or geometric means) (all obtained on one future sampling “occassion”) the prediction interval should contain with confidence level conf.level. The default value is k=1. This argument is ignored when the argument rule is not equal to "k.of.m".


positive integer specifying the maximum number of future observations (or geometric means) on one future sampling “occasion”. The default value is m=2, except when rule="Modified.CA", in which case this argument is ignored and m is automatically set equal to 4.


positive integer specifying the number of future sampling “occasions”. The default value is r=1.


character string specifying which rule to use. The possible values are "k.of.m" (\(k\)-of-\(m\) rule; the default), "CA" (California rule), and "Modified.CA" (modified California rule). See the DETAILS section below for more information.


numeric scalar indicating the ratio \(\Delta/\sigma\). The quantity \(\Delta\) (delta) denotes the difference between the mean of the population (on the log-scale) that was sampled to construct the prediction interval, and the mean of the population (on the log-scale) that will be sampled to produce the future observations. The quantity \(\sigma\) (sigma) denotes the population standard deviation (on the log-scale) for both populations. See the DETAILS section below for more information. The default value is delta.over.sigma=0.


character string indicating what kind of prediction interval to compute. The possible values are pi.type="upper" (the default), and pi.type="lower".


a scalar between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence level of the prediction interval. The default value is conf.level=0.95.


numeric scalar indicating the tolerance to use in the nonlinear search algorithm to compute \(K\). The default value is K.tol=.Machine$double.eps^(1/2). For many applications, the value of \(K\) needs to be known only to the second decimal place, in which case setting K.tol=1e-4 will speed up computation a bit.


a list containing arguments to pass to the function elnormAlt for estimating the mean and coefficient of variation. The default value is est.arg.list=NULL, which implies the default values will be used in the call to elnormAlt.


If x is a numeric vector, predIntLnormSimultaneous returns a list of class "estimate" containing the estimated parameters, the prediction interval, and other information. See the help file for estimate.object for details.

If x is the result of calling an estimation function, predIntLnormSimultaneous returns a list whose class is the same as x. The list contains the same components as x, as well as a component called interval containing the prediction interval information. If x already has a component called interval, this component is replaced with the prediction interval information.


The function predIntLnormSimultaneous returns a simultaneous prediction interval as well as estimates of the meanlog and sdlog parameters. The function predIntLnormAltSimultaneous returns a prediction interval as well as estimates of the mean and coefficient of variation.

A simultaneous prediction interval for a lognormal distribution is constructed by taking the natural logarithm of the observations and constructing a prediction interval based on the normal (Gaussian) distribution by calling predIntNormSimultaneous. These prediction limits are then exponentiated to produce a prediction interval on the original scale of the data.


Barclay's California Code of Regulations. (1991). Title 22, Section 66264.97 [concerning hazardous waste facilities] and Title 23, Section 2550.7(e)(8) [concerning solid waste facilities]. Barclay's Law Publishers, San Francisco, CA.

Davis, C.B. (1998a). Ground-Water Statistics \& Regulations: Principles, Progress and Problems. Second Edition. Environmetrics \& Statistics Limited, Henderson, NV.

Davis, C.B. (1998b). Personal Communication, September 3, 1998.

Davis, C.B., and R.J. McNichols. (1987). One-sided Intervals for at Least \(p\) of \(m\) Observations from a Lognormal Population on Each of \(r\) Future Occasions. Technometrics 29, 359--370.

Fertig, K.W., and N.R. Mann. (1977). One-Sided Prediction Intervals for at Least \(p\) Out of \(m\) Future Observations From a Lognormal Population. Technometrics 19, 167--177.

Gibbons, R.D., D.K. Bhaumik, and S. Aryal. (2009). Statistical Methods for Groundwater Monitoring, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken.

Hahn, G.J. (1969). Factors for Calculating Two-Sided Prediction Intervals for Samples from a Lognormal Distribution. Journal of the American Statistical Association 64(327), 878-898.

Hahn, G.J. (1970a). Additional Factors for Calculating Prediction Intervals for Samples from a Lognormal Distribution. Journal of the American Statistical Association 65(332), 1668-1676.

Hahn, G.J. (1970b). Statistical Intervals for a Lognormal Population, Part I: Tables, Examples and Applications. Journal of Quality Technology 2(3), 115-125.

Hahn, G.J. (1970c). Statistical Intervals for a Lognormal Population, Part II: Formulas, Assumptions, Some Derivations. Journal of Quality Technology 2(4), 195-206.

Hahn, G.J., and W.Q. Meeker. (1991). Statistical Intervals: A Guide for Practitioners. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Hahn, G., and W. Nelson. (1973). A Survey of Prediction Intervals and Their Applications. Journal of Quality Technology 5, 178-188.

Hall, I.J., and R.R. Prairie. (1973). One-Sided Prediction Intervals to Contain at Least \(m\) Out of \(k\) Future Observations. Technometrics 15, 897--914.

Millard, S.P. (1987). Environmental Monitoring, Statistics, and the Law: Room for Improvement (with Comment). The American Statistician 41(4), 249--259.

Millard, S.P., and Neerchal, N.K. (2001). Environmental Statistics with S-PLUS. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.

USEPA. (2009). Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Unified Guidance. EPA 530/R-09-007, March 2009. Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery Program Implementation and Information Division. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

USEPA. (2010). Errata Sheet - March 2009 Unified Guidance. EPA 530/R-09-007a, August 9, 2010. Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, Program Information and Implementation Division. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.

See Also

predIntLnormAltSimultaneousTestPower, predIntNorm, predIntNormSimultaneous, predIntNormSimultaneousTestPower, tolIntLnorm, Lognormal, LognormalAlt, estimate.object, elnorm, elnormAlt.


Run this code
  # Generate 8 observations from a lognormal distribution with parameters 
  # mean=10 and cv=1, then use predIntLnormAltSimultaneous to estimate the 
  # mean and coefficient of variation of the true distribution and construct an 
  # upper 95% prediction interval to contain at least 1 out of the next 
  # 3 observations. 
  # (Note: the call to set.seed simply allows you to reproduce this example.)

  dat <- rlnormAlt(8, mean = 10, cv = 1) 

  predIntLnormAltSimultaneous(dat, k = 1, m = 3) 

  #Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
  #Assumed Distribution:            Lognormal
  #Estimated Parameter(s):          mean = 11.2984322
  #                                 cv   =  0.9524441
  #Estimation Method:               mvue
  #Data:                            dat
  #Sample Size:                     8
  #Prediction Interval Method:      exact
  #Prediction Interval Type:        upper
  #Confidence Level:                95%
  #Minimum Number of
  #Future Observations
  #Interval Should Contain:         1
  #Total Number of
  #Future Observations:             3
  #Prediction Interval:             LPL =  0.00000
  #                                 UPL = 12.67555


  # Compare the 95% 1-of-3 upper prediction limit to the California and 
  # Modified California upper prediction limits.  Note that the upper 
  # prediction limit for the Modified California rule is between the limit 
  # for the 1-of-3 rule and the limit for the California rule. 

  predIntLnormAltSimultaneous(dat, k = 1, m = 3)$interval$limits["UPL"] 
  #     UPL 
  predIntLnormAltSimultaneous(dat, m = 3, rule = "CA")$interval$limits["UPL"]  
  #     UPL 

  predIntLnormAltSimultaneous(dat, rule = "Modified.CA")$interval$limits["UPL"] 
  #     UPL 


  # Show how the upper 95% simultaneous prediction limit increases 
  # as the number of future sampling occasions r increases.  
  # Here, we'll use the 1-of-3 rule.

  predIntLnormAltSimultaneous(dat, k = 1, m = 3)$interval$limits["UPL"]
  #     UPL 

  predIntLnormAltSimultaneous(dat, k = 1, m = 3, r = 10)$interval$limits["UPL"]
  #     UPL 


  # Compare the upper simultaneous prediction limit for the 1-of-3 rule 
  # based on individual observations versus based on geometric means of 
  # order 4.

  predIntLnormAltSimultaneous(dat, k = 1, m = 3)$interval$limits["UPL"]
  #     UPL 

  predIntLnormAltSimultaneous(dat, n.geomean = 4, k = 1, 
    m = 3)$interval$limits["UPL"]
  #     UPL 


  # Example 19-1 of USEPA (2009, p. 19-17) shows how to compute an 
  # upper simultaneous prediction limit for the 1-of-3 rule for 
  # r = 2 future sampling occasions.  The data for this example are 
  # stored in EPA.09.Ex.19.1.sulfate.df.

  # We will pool data from 4 background wells that were sampled on 
  # a number of different occasions, giving us a sample size of 
  # n = 25 to use to construct the prediction limit.

  # There are 50 compliance wells and we will monitor 10 different 
  # constituents at each well at each of the r=2 future sampling 
  # occasions.  To determine the confidence level we require for 
  # the simultaneous prediction interval, USEPA (2009) recommends 
  # setting the individual Type I Error level at each well to 
  # 1 - (1 - SWFPR)^(1 / (Number of Constituents * Number of Wells))
  # which translates to setting the confidence limit to 

  # (1 - SWFPR)^(1 / (Number of Constituents * Number of Wells))

  # where SWFPR = site-wide false positive rate.  For this example, we 
  # will set SWFPR = 0.1.  Thus, the confidence level is given by:

  nc <- 10
  nw <- 50
  SWFPR <- 0.1
  conf.level <- (1 - SWFPR)^(1 / (nc * nw))

  #[1] 0.9997893


  # Look at the data:

  #[1] "Well"                 "Month"                "Day"                 
  #[4] "Year"                 "Date"                 "Sulfate.mg.per.l"    
  #[7] "log.Sulfate.mg.per.l"

    c("Well", "Date", "Sulfate.mg.per.l", "log.Sulfate.mg.per.l")]

  #    Well       Date Sulfate.mg.per.l log.Sulfate.mg.per.l
  #1  GW-01 1999-07-08             63.0             4.143135
  #2  GW-01 1999-09-12             51.0             3.931826
  #3  GW-01 1999-10-16             60.0             4.094345
  #4  GW-01 1999-11-02             86.0             4.454347
  #5  GW-04 1999-07-09            104.0             4.644391
  #6  GW-04 1999-09-14            102.0             4.624973
  #7  GW-04 1999-10-12             84.0             4.430817
  #8  GW-04 1999-11-15             72.0             4.276666
  #9  GW-08 1997-10-12             31.0             3.433987
  #10 GW-08 1997-11-16             84.0             4.430817
  #11 GW-08 1998-01-28             65.0             4.174387
  #12 GW-08 1999-04-20             41.0             3.713572
  #13 GW-08 2002-06-04             51.8             3.947390
  #14 GW-08 2002-09-16             57.5             4.051785
  #15 GW-08 2002-12-02             66.8             4.201703
  #16 GW-08 2003-03-24             87.1             4.467057
  #17 GW-09 1997-10-16             59.0             4.077537
  #18 GW-09 1998-01-28             85.0             4.442651
  #19 GW-09 1998-04-12             75.0             4.317488
  #20 GW-09 1998-07-12             99.0             4.595120
  #21 GW-09 2000-01-30             75.8             4.328098
  #22 GW-09 2000-04-24             82.5             4.412798
  #23 GW-09 2000-10-24             85.5             4.448516
  #24 GW-09 2002-12-01            188.0             5.236442
  #25 GW-09 2003-03-24            150.0             5.010635

  # Construct the upper simultaneous prediction limit for the 
  # 1-of-3 plan assuming a lognormal distribution for the 
  # sulfate data

  Sulfate <- EPA.09.Ex.19.1.sulfate.df$Sulfate.mg.per.l

  predIntLnormSimultaneous(x = Sulfate, k = 1, m = 3, r = 2, 
    rule = "k.of.m", pi.type = "upper", conf.level = conf.level)

  #Results of Distribution Parameter Estimation
  #Assumed Distribution:            Lognormal
  #Estimated Parameter(s):          meanlog = 4.3156194
  #                                 sdlog   = 0.3756697
  #Estimation Method:               mvue
  #Data:                            Sulfate
  #Sample Size:                     25
  #Prediction Interval Method:      exact
  #Prediction Interval Type:        upper
  #Confidence Level:                99.97893%
  #Minimum Number of
  #Future Observations
  #Interval Should Contain
  #(per Sampling Occasion):         1
  #Total Number of
  #Future Observations
  #(per Sampling Occasion):         3
  #Number of Future
  #Sampling Occasions:              2
  #Prediction Interval:             LPL =   0.0000
  #                                 UPL = 159.5497


  # Cleanup
  rm(dat, nc, nw, SWFPR, conf.level, Sulfate)
# }

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