Learn R Programming

igraph (version 1.3.5)

print.igraph: Print graphs to the terminal


These functions attempt to print a graph to the terminal in a human readable form.


# S3 method for igraph
  full = igraph_opt("print.full"),
  graph.attributes = igraph_opt("print.graph.attributes"),
  vertex.attributes = igraph_opt("print.vertex.attributes"),
  edge.attributes = igraph_opt("print.edge.attributes"),
  names = TRUE,
  max.lines = igraph_opt("auto.print.lines"),

# S3 method for igraph summary(object, ...)


All these functions return the graph invisibly.



The graph to print.


Logical scalar, whether to print the graph structure itself as well.


Logical constant, whether to print graph attributes.


Logical constant, whether to print vertex attributes.


Logical constant, whether to print edge attributes.


Logical constant, whether to print symbolic vertex names (ie. the name vertex attribute) or vertex ids.


The maximum number of lines to use. The rest of the output will be truncated.


Additional agruments.


The graph of which the summary will be printed.


Gabor Csardi csardi.gabor@gmail.com


summary.igraph prints the number of vertices, edges and whether the graph is directed.

print_all prints the same information, and also lists the edges, and optionally graph, vertex and/or edge attributes.

print.igraph behaves either as summary.igraph or print_all depending on the full argument. See also the ‘print.full’ igraph option and igraph_opt.

The graph summary printed by summary.igraph (and print.igraph and print_all) consists one or more lines. The first line contains the basic properties of the graph, and the rest contains its attributes. Here is an example, a small star graph with weighted directed edges and named vertices:

    IGRAPH badcafe DNW- 10 9 -- In-star
    + attr: name (g/c), mode (g/c), center (g/n), name (v/c),
      weight (e/n) 

The first line always starts with IGRAPH, showing you that the object is an igraph graph. Then a seven character code is printed, this the first seven characters of the unique id of the graph. See graph_id for more. Then a four letter long code string is printed. The first letter distinguishes between directed (‘D’) and undirected (‘U’) graphs. The second letter is ‘N’ for named graphs, i.e. graphs with the name vertex attribute set. The third letter is ‘W’ for weighted graphs, i.e. graphs with the weight edge attribute set. The fourth letter is ‘B’ for bipartite graphs, i.e. for graphs with the type vertex attribute set.

Then, after two dashes, the name of the graph is printed, if it has one, i.e. if the name graph attribute is set.

From the second line, the attributes of the graph are listed, separated by a comma. After the attribute names, the kind of the attribute -- graph (‘g’), vertex (‘v’) or edge (‘e’) -- is denoted, and the type of the attribute as well, character (‘c’), numeric (‘n’), logical (‘l’), or other (‘x’).

As of igraph 0.4 print_all and print.igraph use the max.print option, see options for details.

As of igraph 1.1.1, the str.igraph function is defunct, use print_all().


Run this code

g <- make_ring(10)

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