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futureheatwaves (version 1.0.3)

processEnsemble: Extract projections from ensemble member


This function extracts the desired climate data from a single ensemble member, from one of the two experiment subdirectories.


processEnsemble(ensemble, modelName, global, custom, type)


List with parsed information about the directory structure for a specific ensemble member from the user-specified projections directory. This list is a subset of the list generated by acquireDirectoryStructure.
Character string of climate model name (e.g., "bcc1"). This name is generated from the subdirectory name for the climate model within dataFolder.
An list object created by gen_hw_set that includes user specifications (e.g., the path to the output directory, the path to the input climate projections, the dataframe with city locations).
An list object created by gen_hw_set that includes user specifications (e.g., the name of the R function to use to identify heat waves, alternative upper and lower year boundaries for the data used to determine threshold temperatures for the heat wave definition, alternative upper and lower year boundaries for the projection period of the heat wave datasets being generated).
A character vector giving the type of boundaries that are being checked. Possible values are "threshold", "projections", and "reference".


A list object with processed projections, as well as various other elements needed for further processing to identify heat waves.