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xcms (version 1.48.0)

profGenerate: Generation of profile data


Generates profile data in a given range from an indexed pair of vectors.


profBin(x, y, num, xstart = min(x), xend = max(x), param = list()) profBinM(x, y, zidx, num, xstart = min(x), xend = max(x), NAOK = FALSE, param = list()) profBinLin(x, y, num, xstart = min(x), xend = max(x), param = list()) profBinLinM(x, y, zidx, num, xstart = min(x), xend = max(x), NAOK = FALSE, param = list()) profBinLinBase(x, y, num, xstart = min(x), xend = max(x), param = list()) profBinLinBaseM(x, y, zidx, num, xstart = min(x), xend = max(x), NAOK = FALSE, param = list()) profIntLin(x, y, num, xstart = min(x), xend = max(x), param = list()) profIntLinM(x, y, zidx, num, xstart = min(x), xend = max(x), NAOK = FALSE, param = list()) profMaxIdx(x, y, num, xstart = min(x), xend = max(x), param = list()) profMaxIdxM(x, y, zidx, num, xstart = min(x), xend = max(x), NAOK = FALSE, param = list())


numeric vector of value positions
numeric vector of values to bin
starting position of each new segment
number of equally spaced x bins
starting x value
ending x value
allow NA values (faster)
parameters for profile generation


For prof*, a numeric vector of length num.For prof*M, a matrix with dimensions num by length(zidx).For MaxIdx, the data type is integer, for all others it is double.


These functions take a vector of unequally spaced y values and transform them into either a vector or matrix, depending on whether there is an index or not. Each point in the vector or matrix represents the data for the point centered at its corresponding x value, plus or minus half the x step size (xend-xstart/(num-1)).

The Bin functions set each matrix or vector value to the maximal point that gets binned into it.

The BinLin functions do the same except that they linearly interpolate values into which nothing was binned.

The BinLinBase functions do the same except that they populate empty parts of spectra with a base value. They take to two parameters: 1) baselevel, the intensity level to fill in for empty parts of the spectra. It defaluts to half of the minimum intensity. 2) basespace, the m/z length after which the signal will drop to the base level. Linear interpolation will be used between consecuitive data points falling within 2*basespace of eachother. It defaluts to 0.075.

The IntLin functions set each matrix or vector value to the integral of the linearly interpolated data from plus to minus half the step size.

The MaxIdx functions work similarly to the Bin functions execpt that the return the integer index of which x,y pair would be placed in a particular cell.


Run this code
	## Not run: 
# 		library(faahKO)
# 		cdfpath <- system.file("cdf", package = "faahKO")
# 		cdffiles <- list.files(cdfpath, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
# 		xraw <- xcmsRaw(cdffiles[1])
# 		image(xraw) ## not how with intLin the intensity's blur
# 		profMethod(xraw) <- "bin"
# 		image(xraw) ## now with 'bin' there is no blurring good for centroid data
# 		##try binlinbase for profile data
# 	## End(Not run)

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