fm01ML <- lmer(Yield ~ 1|Batch, Dyestuff, REML = FALSE)
tpr <- profile(fm01ML, optimizer="Nelder_Mead", which="beta_")
)## fast; as only *one* beta parameter is profiled over -> 0.09s (2022)
## full profiling (default which means 'all') needs longer:
system.time( tpr <- profile(fm01ML, signames=FALSE))
## ~ 0.26s (2022) + possible warning about convergence
(confint(tpr) -> CIpr)
# too much precision (etc). but just FYI:
trgt <- array(c(12.19854, 38.22998, 1486.451,
84.06305, 67.6577, 1568.548), dim = 3:2)
stopifnot(all.equal(trgt, unname(CIpr), tol = .0001)) # had 3.1e-7
if (interactive()) {
xyplot(tpr, absVal=TRUE) # easier to see (and check symmetry)
xyplot(tpr, conf = c(0.95, 0.99), # (instead of all five 50, 80,...)
main = "95% and 99% profile() intervals")
xyplot(logProf(tpr, ranef=FALSE),
main = expression("lmer profile()s"~~ log(sigma)*" (only log)"))
densityplot(tpr, main="densityplot( profile(lmer(..)) )")
densityplot(varianceProf(tpr), main=" varianceProf( profile(lmer(..)) )")
splom(logProf(tpr, ranef=FALSE))
doMore <- lme4:::testLevel() > 2
if(doMore) { ## not typically, for time constraint reasons
## Batch and residual variance only
system.time(tpr2 <- profile(fm01ML, which=1:2)) # , optimizer="Nelder_Mead" gives warning
print( xyplot(tpr2) )
print( xyplot(log(tpr2)) )# log(sigma) is better
print( xyplot(logProf(tpr2, ranef=FALSE)) )
## GLMM example
gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
data = cbpp, family = binomial)
## running ~ 10 seconds on a modern machine {-> "verbose" while you wait}:
print( system.time(pr4 <- profile(gm1, verbose=TRUE)) )
print( xyplot(pr4, layout=c(5,1), as.table=TRUE) )
print( xyplot(log(pr4), absVal=TRUE) ) # log(sigma_1)
print( splom(pr4) )
print( system.time( # quicker: only sig01 and one fixed effect
pr2 <- profile(gm1, which=c("theta_", "period2"))))
print( confint(pr2) )
## delta..: higher underlying resolution, only for 'sigma_1':
print( system.time( <- profile(gm1, which="theta_", delta.cutoff=1/16)))
print( xyplot( )
} # only if interactive()
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab