# Take the wavelet packet transform of some random data
MyWP <- wp(rnorm(1:512))
# The above data set was 2^9 in length. Therefore there are
# coefficients at resolution levels 0, 1, 2, ..., and 8.
# The high resolution coefficients are at level 8.
# There should be 256 DG coefficients and 256 DH coefficients
length(getpacket(MyWP, level=8, index=0))
# [1] 256
length(getpacket(MyWP, level=8, index=1))
# [1] 256
# The next command shows that there are only two packets at level 8
#getpacket(MyWP, level=8, index=2)
# Index was too high, maximum for this level is 1
# Error in getpacket.wp(MyWP, level = 8, index = 2): Error occured
# Dumped
# There should be 4 coefficients at resolution level 2
# The father wavelet coefficients are (index=0)
getpacket(MyWP, level=2, index=0)
# [1] -0.9736576 0.5579501 0.3100629 -0.3834068
# The mother wavelet coefficients are (index=1)
getpacket(MyWP, level=2, index=1)
# [1] 0.72871405 0.04356728 -0.43175307 1.77291483
# Well, that exercised the getpacket.wp
# function. Now that we know that level 2 coefficients have 4 coefficients
# let's insert some into the MyWP object.
MyWP <- putpacket(MyWP, level=2, index=0, packet=c(21,32,67,89))
# O.k. that was painless. Now let's check that the correct coefficients
# were inserted.
getpacket(MyWP, level=2, index=0)
#[1] 21 32 67 89
# Yep. The correct coefficients were inserted.
# }
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