The associations
class is a virtual class which is extended to
represent mining result (e.g., sets of itemsets
or rules
). The class
provides accessors for the quality slot and a method for sorting the
A virtual class: No objects may be created from it.
:a data.frame for quality measures (e.g., interest measures as support or confidence). Each quality measure is a named vector with the same length as the number of elements in the set of associations and each vector element belongs to the association with the same index.
:a list which is used to store algorithm specific
mining information. Typically it contains a least the elements
(name of the transaction data set),
(length of the data set),
(the minimum support used for mining).
signature(x = "associations")
replaces the info list.
signature(x = "associations")
returns the info list.
signature(x = "associations")
dummy method. This method has to be implemented by all subclasses
of associations
and return the items which make up each
association as an object of class
signature(object = "associations")
dummy method. This method has to be implemented by all subclasses
of associations
and return a vector
of length(object)
of labels
for the elements in the association.
signature(x = "associations")
dummy method. This method has to be implemented by all subclasses
of associations
and return the number of elements in the
signature(x = "associations")
replaces the quality data.frame. The lengths of the vectors
in the data.frame have to equal the number of associations
in the set.
signature(x = "associations")
returns the quality data.frame.
signature(object = "associations")
The implementations of associations
store itemsets (e.g., the LHS and RHS of a rule) as objects of class itemMatrix
(i.e., sparse binary matrices). Quality measures (e.g., support) are stored in a data.frame accessable via method quality
Associations can store multisets with duplicated
elements. Duplicated elements can result from combining several sets of associations.
Use unique
to remove duplicate associations.