Should summary statistics
(i.e. means, sds, and 95% intervals) be returned
instead of the raw values? Default is TRUE.
If FALSE (the default) the mean is used as
the measure of central tendency and the standard deviation as
the measure of variability. If TRUE, the median and the
median absolute deviation (MAD) are applied instead.
Only used if summary is TRUE.
The percentiles to be computed by the quantile
function. Only used if summary is TRUE.
Currently ignored.
If old is FALSE: A list of arrays
(one per grouping factor). If summary is TRUE,
names of the first dimension are the factor levels and names
of the third dimension are the group-level effects.
If summary is FALSE, names of the second dimension
are the factor levels and names of the third dimension are the
group-level effects.
# NOT RUN {fit <- brm(count ~ log_Age_c + log_Base4_c * Trt_c + (1+Trt_c|visit),
data = epilepsy, family = gaussian(), chains = 2)
# }# NOT RUN {# }