-- Combine SpatRaster objects. They must have the same extent and resolution. However, if x is empty (has no cell values), its geometry is ignored with a warning. Two empty SpatRasters with the same geometry can also be combined (to get a summed number of layers). Also see add<-
-- Add a SpatRaster to a SpatRasterDataset or SpatRasterCollection
-- Add SpatVector objects to a new or existing SpatVectorCollection
To append SpatVectors, use rbind.
# S4 method for SpatRaster
c(x, ..., warn=TRUE)
# S4 method for SpatRasterDataset
c(x, ...)
# S4 method for SpatRasterCollection
c(x, ...)
# S4 method for SpatVector
c(x, ...)
# S4 method for SpatVectorCollection
c(x, ...)
Same class as x
SpatRaster, SpatVector, SpatRasterDataset or SpatVectorCollection
logical. If TRUE, a warning is emitted if x is an empty SpatRaster
as for x (you can only combine raster with raster data and vector with vector data)