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Hmisc (version 4.0-2)

rcorr.cens: Rank Correlation for Censored Data


Computes the c index and the corresponding generalization of Somers' Dxy rank correlation for a censored response variable. Also works for uncensored and binary responses, although its use of all possible pairings makes it slow for this purpose. Dxy and c are related by $\var{Dxy} = 2*(\var{c} - 0.5)$.

rcorr.cens handles one predictor variable. rcorrcens computes rank correlation measures separately by a series of predictors. In addition, rcorrcens has a rough way of handling categorical predictors. If a categorical (factor) predictor has two levels, it is coverted to a numeric having values 1 and 2. If it has more than 2 levels, an indicator variable is formed for the most frequently level vs. all others, and another indicator for the second most frequent level and all others. The correlation is taken as the maximum of the two (in absolute value).


rcorr.cens(x, S, outx=FALSE)
"rcorrcens"(formula, data=NULL, subset=NULL, na.action=na.retain, exclude.imputed=TRUE, outx=FALSE, ...)


a numeric predictor variable
an Surv object or a vector. If a vector, assumes that every observation is uncensored.
set to TRUE to not count pairs of observations tied on x as a relevant pair. This results in a Goodman--Kruskal gamma type rank correlation.
a formula with a Surv object or a numeric vector on the left-hand side
data, subset, na.action
the usual options for models. Default for na.action is to retain all values, NA or not, so that NAs can be deleted in only a pairwise fashion.
set to FALSE to include imputed values (created by impute) in the calculations.
extra arguments passed to biVar.


rcorr.cens returns a vector with the following named elements: C Index, Dxy, S.D., n, missing, uncensored, Relevant Pairs, Concordant, and Uncertainrcorrcens.formula returns an object of class biVar which is documented with the biVar function.


Newson R: Confidence intervals for rank statistics: Somers' D and extensions. Stata Journal 6:309-334; 2006.

See Also

somers2, biVar, rcorrp.cens


Run this code
x <- round(rnorm(200))
y <- rnorm(200)
rcorr.cens(x, y, outx=TRUE)   # can correlate non-censored variables
age <- rnorm(400, 50, 10)
bp  <- rnorm(400,120, 15)
bp[1]  <- NA
d.time <- rexp(400)
cens   <- runif(400,.5,2)
death  <- d.time <= cens
d.time <- pmin(d.time, cens)
rcorr.cens(age, Surv(d.time, death))
r <- rcorrcens(Surv(d.time, death) ~ age + bp)

# Show typical 0.95 confidence limits for ROC areas for a sample size
# with 24 events and 62 non-events, for varying population ROC areas
# Repeat for 138 events and 102 non-events
for(i in 1:2) {
 n1 <- c(24,138)[i]
 n0 <- c(62,102)[i]
 y <- c(rep(0,n0), rep(1,n1))
 deltas <- seq(-3, 3, by=.25)
 C <- se <- deltas
 j <- 0
 for(d in deltas) {
  j <- j + 1
  x <- c(rnorm(n0, 0), rnorm(n1, d))
  w <- rcorr.cens(x, y)
  C[j]  <- w['C Index']
  se[j] <- w['S.D.']/2
 low <- C-1.96*se; hi <- C+1.96*se
 print(cbind(C, low, hi))
 errbar(deltas, C, C+1.96*se, C-1.96*se,
        xlab='True Difference in Mean X',
        ylab='ROC Area and Approx. 0.95 CI')
 title(paste('n1=',n1,'  n0=',n0,sep=''))
 abline(h=.5, v=0, col='gray')
 true <- 1 - pnorm(0, deltas, sqrt(2))
 lines(deltas, true, col='blue')

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