read.cefa: Read and Write Files Produced by or for CEFA
Compatability functions between R and Comprehensive Exploratory
Factor Analysis (CEFA) Version 2.0 by
Michael W. Browne, Robert Cudeck, Krishna Tateneni, and Gerhald Mels.
If a raw dataset is imported, read.cefa returns a dataframe with
columns as variables. Such a dataframe can be passed to the data or
x argument of make_manifest. If a covariance matrix is
imported, read.cefa returns a two-element list with the following items:
The covariance matrix
Number of observations
This list can be passed to the covmat argument of
make_manifest. write.cefa does not produce anything but
writes a file to the specified location.
read.cefa does not support importing a matrix of factor loadings,
(Datatype 3 in CEFA) because the file does not include enough information
to be useful to FAiR. Instead, import the covariance matrix (Datatype 1 in
CEFA) or better the raw dataset (Datatype 2 or 4 in CEFA) and use
Factanal to reestimate the model.
In contrast, the only export method that is currently supported is that for
preliminary factor loadings in a EFA. read.CEFA is just
an alias for read.cefa and similarly for write.CEFA.
read.triangular imports a triangular covariance matrix,
the foreign library has functions to import files created by
SPSS, SAS, etc., read.table imports delimited text files and
read.fwf imports fixed-width text files.