read.rm5(file, sep=",", quote = """, title,
) and outcome label (argument
); this is the default in RevMan 5.O.E
(IPD analysis)."Inverse"
, "MH"
, or
or "Random"
instead of
is to be added to n.e
and n.c
in the
calculation of the risk ratio (i.e., sm="RR"
) for studies
with a zero cell. This is used in RevMan 5. In order to generate a data analysis file in RevMan 5 use the
following Menu points: "File"
- "Export"
- "Data
and analyses"
. It is mandatory to include the following fields in
the exported data file by selecting them with the mouse cursor in
the Export Analysis Data Wizard: (i) Comparison Number, (ii) Outcome
Number, (iii) Subgroup Number. When these fields are not selected a
corresponding error message will be printed in R. It is recommended
to include all fields in the exported data file except for the last
field "Risk of bias tables". For example, in order to redo the
meta-analysis in R for the RevMan 5 data type "O-E and
the fields "O-E"
and "Variance"
have to be
selected in the Export Analysis Data Wizard. If the last field "Risk
of bias tables" is selected the import in R fails with an error
message "line X did not have Y elements".
By default in RevMan 5, the name of the exported data file is the
title of the Cochrane Review. Accordingly, information on the title is
extracted from the name of the exported data file (argument:
) if argument title
is missing (default).
Each respective meta-analysis for arguments event.e.pooled
is defined by values for ""
, and ""
, metacont
, metagen
, metacr
# Locate export data file "Fleiss93_CR.csv"
# in sub-directory of package "meta"
filename <- system.file("data/Fleiss93_CR.csv.gz", package = "meta")
Fleiss93_CR <- read.rm5(filename)
# Same result as R command example(Fleiss93):
# Same result as R command example(Fleiss93cont):
metacr(Fleiss93_CR, 1, 2)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab