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R.utils (version 1.9.7)

relibrary: Reloads a package


Reloads a package. This function works exactly the same as library, except that it is reloads the package if it already loaded. This is useful for developers. For more information see library.


relibrary(package, character.only=FALSE, warn.conflicts=FALSE, ...)


Name or character string giving the name of a package.
A logical indicating whether package can be assumed to be character strings.
If TRUE, warnings are printed about conflicts from reattaching of the package, unless that package contains an object .conflicts.OK.
Any other arguments that library() takes.


While relibrary is reloading a package the option relibrary will be set to name of the package currently reloaded. This can be useful if the package to be reloaded would like save away data until it is loaded again.

See Also

See library().