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Maeswrap (version 1.7)

replaceNameList: Replaces a namelist or a parameter


The function replaceNameList replaces the whole namelist in an input file. All parameters in the namelist must be provided, otherwise MAESTRA/MAESPA will likely crash. Or, you can use replacePAR to replace a single parameter. If the new parameter value(s) is a vector (or a single value), the values #' will be placed on a single line in the parameter file. If instead a matrix is provided, each row of the matrix is placed on a separate line.

WARNING : The input file is modified. Make sure to backup your original input files!


replaceNameList(namelist, datfile, vals)
replacePAR(datfile, parname, namelist, newval, noquotes = TRUE)


Name of the namelist.
Name of the input file.
A list of values (see example below).
Name of the parameter to replace the value of.
New value of the parameter. Can be a single value or a vector, or a matrix (see Details).
Logical. If FALSE, does print quotes around character values.


Nothing is returned. The input file is modified.

See Also



Run this code
## Not run: 
# # Replace an entire namelist
# replaceNameList(namelist="aerodyn",
#     datfile="trees.dat", vals=list(zht=30,zpd=3,z0ht=0.6))
# #' # Replace a parameter with a single value:
# replacePAR("trees.dat", "notrees", "plot", newval=100)
# # Replace a number of values:
# replacePAR("trees.dat", "xycoords", "xy", newval=c(1,1,2,2,3,3))
# # Replace a number of values in a different way : this may be useful in
# # more complicated programs,
# # rr when reading a string from a file (that should be interpreted as a vector).
# replacePAR("trees.dat", "xycoords", "xy", newval="1 1 2 2 3 3", noquotes=TRUE)
# # Replace a parameter so that the new values are placed on multiple rows.
# # Useful for tree namelists with multiple dates and multiple trees
# # (where each row corresponds to a tree, and each column to a date.)
# m <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
# replacePAR("trees.dat", "values", "indivlarea", newval=m)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab