## Request a personal API Key to Elsevier web page https://dev.elsevier.com/sc_apis.html
## api_key="your api key"
## create a data frame with the list of authors to get information and IDs
# i.e. df[1,1:3] <- c("aria","massimo","naples")
# df[2,1:3] <- c("cuccurullo","corrado", "naples")
## run idByAuthor function
# authorsID <- idByAuthor(df, api_key)
## extract the IDs
# id <- authorsID[,3]
## create the bibliographic collection
# res <- retrievalByAuthor(id, api_key)
# M <- res$M # the entire bibliographic data frame
# M <- res$authorDocuments # the list containing a bibliographic data frame for each author
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab