These functions are Deprecated in this release of devtools, they will be marked as Defunct and removed in a future version.
check_cran(pkgs, libpath = file.path(tempdir(), "R-lib"),
srcpath = libpath, check_libpath = libpath, bioconductor = FALSE,
type = getOption("pkgType"), threads = getOption("Ncpus", 1),
check_dir = tempfile("check_cran"),
install_dir = tempfile("check_cran_install"), env_vars = NULL,
quiet_check = TRUE)build_win(pkg = ".", version = c("R-devel", "R-release"))
create(path, description = getOption("devtools.desc"), check = FALSE,
rstudio = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)
setup(path = ".", description = getOption("devtools.desc"),
check = FALSE, rstudio = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)
create_description(path = ".", extra = getOption("devtools.desc"),
quiet = FALSE)
use_git(message = "Initial commit", pkg = ".")
use_github(auth_token = github_pat(), private = FALSE, pkg = ".",
host = "", protocol = c("ssh", "https"),
credentials = NULL, ...)
use_git_hook(hook, script, pkg = ".")
use_github_links(pkg = ".", auth_token = github_pat(),
host = "")
use_testthat(pkg = ".")
use_test(name, pkg = ".")
use_rstudio(pkg = ".")
use_vignette(name, pkg = ".")
use_rcpp(pkg = ".")
use_travis(pkg = ".", browse = interactive())
use_coverage(pkg = ".", type = c("codecov", "coveralls"))
use_appveyor(pkg = ".")
use_package_doc(pkg = ".")
use_package(package, type = "Imports", pkg = ".")
use_data(..., pkg = ".", internal = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE,
compress = "bzip2")
use_data_raw(pkg = ".")
use_build_ignore(files, escape = TRUE, pkg = ".")
use_readme_rmd(pkg = ".")
use_readme_md(pkg = ".")
use_news_md(pkg = ".")
use_revdep(pkg = ".")
use_cran_comments(pkg = ".")
use_code_of_conduct(pkg = ".")
use_cran_badge(pkg = ".")
use_mit_license(pkg = ".",
copyright_holder = getOption("", ""))
use_gpl3_license(pkg = ".")
use_dev_version(pkg = ".")
revdep_email(pkg = ".", date, version,
author = getOption(""), draft = TRUE, unsent = NULL,
template = "revdep/", only_problems = TRUE)
revdep_check_save_summary(pkg = ".")
revdep_check_print_problems(pkg = ".")
revdep_check(pkg = ".", recursive = FALSE, ignore = NULL,
dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests", "LinkingTo"),
skip = character(), libpath = getOption("devtools.revdep.libpath"),
srcpath = libpath, bioconductor = FALSE,
type = getOption("pkgType"), threads = getOption("Ncpus", 1),
env_vars = NULL, check_dir = NULL, install_dir = NULL,
quiet_check = TRUE)
revdep_check_resume(pkg = ".", ...)
revdep_check_reset(pkg = ".")
Instead of the use_xyz functions from devtools use use_testthat.
Instead of the revdep functions in devtools a better alternative is ‘revdepcheck::revdep_check()’.