## These (saturated, bright ones) only differ by hue
(rc <- col2rgb(c("red", "yellow","green","cyan", "blue", "magenta")))
(hc <- rgb2hsv(rc))
6 * hc["h",] # the hues are equispaced
# }
(rgb3 <- floor(256 * matrix(stats::runif(3*12), 3, 12)))
(hsv3 <- rgb2hsv(rgb3))
## Consistency :
stopifnot(rgb3 == col2rgb(hsv(h = hsv3[1,], s = hsv3[2,], v = hsv3[3,])),
all.equal(hsv3, rgb2hsv(rgb3/255, maxColorValue = 1)))
## A (simplified) pure R version -- originally by Wolfram Fischer --
## showing the exact algorithm:
rgb2hsvR <- function(rgb, gamma = 1, maxColorValue = 255)
if(!is.numeric(rgb)) stop("rgb matrix must be numeric")
d <- dim(rgb)
if(d[1] != 3) stop("rgb matrix must have 3 rows")
n <- d[2]
if(n == 0) return(cbind(c(h = 1, s = 1, v = 1))[,0])
rgb <- rgb/maxColorValue
if(gamma != 1) rgb <- rgb ^ (1/gamma)
## get the max and min
v <- apply( rgb, 2, max)
s <- apply( rgb, 2, min)
D <- v - s # range
## set hue to zero for undefined values (gray has no hue)
h <- numeric(n)
notgray <- ( s != v )
## blue hue
idx <- (v == rgb[3,] & notgray )
if (any (idx))
h[idx] <- 2/3 + 1/6 * (rgb[1,idx] - rgb[2,idx]) / D[idx]
## green hue
idx <- (v == rgb[2,] & notgray )
if (any (idx))
h[idx] <- 1/3 + 1/6 * (rgb[3,idx] - rgb[1,idx]) / D[idx]
## red hue
idx <- (v == rgb[1,] & notgray )
if (any (idx))
h[idx] <- 1/6 * (rgb[2,idx] - rgb[3,idx]) / D[idx]
## correct for negative red
idx <- (h < 0)
h[idx] <- 1+h[idx]
## set the saturation
s[! notgray] <- 0;
s[notgray] <- 1 - s[notgray] / v[notgray]
rbind( h = h, s = s, v = v )
## confirm the equivalence:
all.equal(rgb2hsv (rgb3),
rgb2hsvR(rgb3), tolerance = 1e-14) # TRUE
# }
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