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MXM (version 0.8.7)

ridge.reg: Ridge regression


Regularisation via ridge regression is performed.


ridge.reg(target, dataset, lambda, B = 1, newdata = NULL)


A numeric vector containing the values of the target variable. If the values are proportions or percentages, i.e. strictly within 0 and 1 they are mapped into R using log( target/(1 - target) ).
A numeric matrix containing the variables. Rows are samples and columns are features.
The value of the regularisation parameter $\lambda$.
Number of bootstraps. If B = 1 no bootstrap is performed and no standard error for the regression coefficients is returned.
If you have new data and want to predict the value of the target put them here, otherwise, leave it NULL.


  • A list including:
  • betaThe regression coefficients if no bootstrap is performed. If bootstrap is performed their standard error appears as well.
  • sebThe standard erorr of the regression coefficients. If bootstrap is performed their bootstrap estimated standard error appears.
  • estThe fitted values if no new data are available. If you have used new data these will be the predicted target values.


The lm.ridge command in MASS library is a wrapper for this function.


Hoerl A.E. and R.W. Kennard (1970). Ridge regression: Biased estimation for nonorthogonal problems. Technometrics, 12(1): 55-67. Brown P. J. (1994). Measurement, Regression and Calibration. Oxford Science Publications.

See Also



Run this code
#simulate a dataset with continuous data
dataset <- matrix(runif(100 * 50, 1, 100), nrow = 100 ) 
#the target feature is the last column of the dataset as a vector
target <- dataset[, 10]
dataset <- dataset[, -10]
a0 <- ridge.reg(target, dataset, lambda = 0, B = 1, newdata = NULL)
a1 <- ridge.reg(target, dataset, lambda = 0.5, B = 1, newdata = NULL)
a2 <- ridge.reg(target, dataset, lambda = 0.5, B = 100, newdata = NULL)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab