# see GPFRSorth and GPFRSoblq for more examples
# getting loadings matrices
data("Harman", package="GPArotation")
qHarman <- GPFRSorth(Harman8, Tmat=diag(2), method="quartimax")
qHarman <- quartimax(Harman8)
loadings(qHarman) - qHarman$loadings #2 ways to get the loadings
# factanal loadings used in GPArotation
data("WansbeekMeijer", package="GPArotation")
fa.unrotated <- factanal(factors = 2, covmat=NetherlandsTV, normalize=TRUE, rotation="none")
quartimax(loadings(fa.unrotated), normalize=TRUE)
geominQ(loadings(fa.unrotated), normalize=TRUE, randomStarts=100)
# passing arguments to factanal (See vignette for a caution)
# vignette("GPAguide", package = "GPArotation")
factanal(factors = 2, covmat = ability.cov, rotation="infomaxT")
factanal(factors = 2, covmat = ability.cov, rotation="infomaxT",
control=list(rotate=list(normalize = TRUE, eps = 1e-6)))
# when using factanal for oblique rotation it is best to use the rotation command directly
# instead of including it in the factanal command (see Vignette).
fa.unrotated <- factanal(factors = 3, covmat=NetherlandsTV, normalize=TRUE, rotation="none")
quartimin(loadings(fa.unrotated), normalize=TRUE)
# oblique target rotation of 2 varimax rotated matrices towards each other
# See vignette for additional context and computation,
trBritain <- matrix( c(.783,-.163,.811,.202,.724,.209,.850,.064,
-.031,.592,-.028,.723,.388,.434,.141,.808,.215,.709), byrow=TRUE, ncol=2)
trGermany <- matrix( c(.778,-.066, .875,.081, .751,.079, .739,.092,
.195,.574, -.030,.807, -.135,.717, .125,.738, .060,.691), byrow=TRUE, ncol = 2)
trx <- targetQ(trGermany, Target = trBritain)
# Difference between rotated loadings matrix and target matrix
y <- trx$loadings - trBritain
# partially specified target; See vignette for additional method
A <- matrix(c(.664, .688, .492, .837, .705, .82, .661, .457, .765, .322,
.248, .304, -0.291, -0.314, -0.377, .397, .294, .428, -0.075,.192,.224,
.037, .155,-.104,.077,-.488,.009), ncol=3)
SPA <- matrix(c(rep(NA, 6), .7,.0,.7, rep(0,3), rep(NA, 7), 0,0, NA, 0, rep(NA, 4)), ncol=3)
targetT(A, Target=SPA)
# using random starts
data("WansbeekMeijer", package="GPArotation")
fa.unrotated <- factanal(factors = 3, covmat=NetherlandsTV, normalize=TRUE, rotation="none")
# single rotation with a random start
oblimin(loadings(fa.unrotated), Tmat=Random.Start(3))
oblimin(loadings(fa.unrotated), randomStarts=1)
# multiple random starts
oblimin(loadings(fa.unrotated), randomStarts=100)
# assessing local minima for box26 data
data(Thurstone, package = "GPArotation")
infomaxQ(box26, normalize = TRUE, randomStarts = 150)
geominQ(box26, normalize = TRUE, randomStarts = 150)
# for detailed investigation of local minima, consult package 'fungible'
# library(fungible)
# faMain(urLoadings=box26, rotate="geominQ", rotateControl=list(numberStarts=150))
# library(psych) # package 'psych' with random starts:
# faRotations(box26, rotate = "geominQ", hyper = 0.15, n.rotations = 150)
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