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rshift.splitppp: Randomly Shift a List of Point Patterns


Randomly shifts each point pattern in a list of point patterns.


"rshift"(X, ..., which=seq_along(X))


An object of class "splitppp". Basically a list of point patterns.
Parameters controlling the generation of the random shift vector and the handling of edge effects. See rshift.ppp.
Optional. Identifies which patterns will be shifted, while other patterns are not shifted. Any valid subset index for X.


Another object of class "splitppp".


This operation applies a random shift to each of the point patterns in the list X. The function rshift is generic. This function rshift.splitppp is the method for objects of class "splitppp", which are essentially lists of point patterns, created by the function split.ppp.

By default, every pattern in the list X will be shifted. The argument which indicates that only some of the patterns should be shifted, while other groups should be left unchanged. which can be any valid subset index for X.

Each point pattern in the list X (or each pattern in X[which]) is shifted by a random displacement vector. The shifting is performed by rshift.ppp.

See the help page for rshift.ppp for details of the other arguments.

See Also

rshift, rshift.ppp


Run this code
   Y <- split(amacrine)

   # random toroidal shift
   # shift "on" and "off" points separately
   X <- rshift(Y)

   # shift "on" points and leave "off" points fixed
   X <- rshift(Y, which="on")

   # maximum displacement distance 0.1 units
   X <- rshift(Y, radius=0.1)

   # shift with erosion
   X <- rshift(Y, radius=0.1, edge="erode")

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