run_browser: Start up web driver process on localhost, with a random port
Phantomjs is a headless browser, it provide automated control of a web page in
an environment similar to web browsers, but via a command-line. It's able
to render and understand HTML the same way a regular browser would, including
styling elements such as page layout, colors, font selection and execution of
JavaScript and AJAX which are usually not available when using GET request methods.
run_browser(debugLevel = "DEBUG", timeout = 5000)
debug level, possible values: 'INFO', 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'DEBUG'
How long to wait (in milliseconds) for the webdriver connection to be established to the phantomjs process.
A list of callr::process object, and
port, the local port where phantom is running.
This function will throw an error if webdriver(phantomjs) cannot be found, or cannot be started.
It works with a timeout of five seconds.
If you got the forllwing error, this means that your operating system or antivirus
is bloking the webdriver (phantom.js) process, try to disable your antivirus temporarily or
adjust your system configuration to allow phantomjs and processx executable (browser_path
to know where phantomjs is located).
Error in supervisor_start() : processx supervisor was not ready after 5 seconds.