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runmean: Mean of a Moving Window


Moving (aka running, rolling) Window Mean calculated over a vector


runmean(x, k, alg=c("C", "R", "fast", "exact"),
         endrule=c("mean", "NA", "trim", "keep", "constant", "func"),
         align = c("center", "left", "right"))


numeric vector of length n or matrix with n rows. If x is a matrix than each column will be processed separately.
width of moving window; must be an integer between 1 and n
an option to choose different algorithms
  • "C"- a version is written in C. It can handle non-finite numbers like NaN's and Inf's (likemean(x, na.rm = TRUE)). It work
character string indicating how the values at the beginning and the end, of the data, should be treated. Only first and last k2 values at both ends are affected, where k2 is the half-bandwidth k2 = k %/% 2
specifies whether result should be centered (default), left-aligned or right-aligned. If endrule="mean" then setting align to "left" or "right" will fall back on slower implementation equivalent to endrule


  • Returns a numeric vector or matrix of the same size as x. Only in case of endrule="trim" the output vectors will be shorter and output matrices will have fewer rows.


  • moving mean
  • rolling mean
  • running mean
  • moving average
  • rolling average
  • running average
  • running window
  • moving window
  • rolling window


Apart from the end values, the result of y = runmean(x, k) is the same as for(j=(1+k2):(n-k2)) y[j]=mean(x[(j-k2):(j+k2)]). The main incentive to write this set of functions was relative slowness of majority of moving window functions available in R and its packages. With the exception of runmed, a running window median function, all functions listed in "see also" section are slower than very inefficient apply(embed(x,k),1,FUN) approach. Relative speed of runmean function is O(n). Function EndRule applies one of the five methods (see endrule argument) to process end-points of the input array x. In current version of the code the default endrule="mean" option is calculated within C code. That is done to improve speed in case of large moving windows. In case of runmean(..., alg="exact") function a special algorithm is used (see references section) to ensure that round-off errors do not accumulate. As a result runmean is more accurate than filter(x, rep(1/k,k)) and runmean(..., alg="C") functions.


  • About round-off error correction used inrunmean: Shewchuk, JonathanAdaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Geometric Predicates,http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/quake/public/papers/robust-arithmetic.ps
  • More on round-off error correction can be found at:http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/393090

See Also

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Run this code
# show runmean for different window sizes
  x = rnorm(n,sd=30) + abs(seq(n)-n/4)
  x[seq(1,n,10)] = NaN;              # add NANs
  col = c("black", "red", "green", "blue", "magenta", "cyan")
  plot(x, col=col[1], main = "Moving Window Means")
  lines(runmean(x, 3), col=col[2])
  lines(runmean(x, 8), col=col[3])
  lines(runmean(x,15), col=col[4])
  lines(runmean(x,24), col=col[5])
  lines(runmean(x,50), col=col[6])
  lab = c("data", "k=3", "k=8", "k=15", "k=24", "k=50")
  legend(0,0.9*n, lab, col=col, lty=1 )
  # basic tests against 2 standard R approaches
  k=25; n=200;
  x = rnorm(n,sd=30) + abs(seq(n)-n/4)      # create random data
  a = runmean(x,k, endrule="trim")          # tested function
  b = apply(embed(x,k), 1, mean)            # approach #1
  c = cumsum(c( sum(x[1:k]), diff(x,k) ))/k # approach #2
  eps = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5
  # test against loop approach
  # this test works fine at the R prompt but fails during package check - need to investigate
  x = iris[,1]
  n = length(x)
  x[seq(1,n,11)] = NaN;                # add NANs
  k2 = k  k1 = k-k2-1
  a = runmean(x, k)
  b = array(0,n)
  for(j in 1:n) {
    lo = max(1, j-k1)
    hi = min(n, j+k2)
    b[j] = mean(x[lo:hi], na.rm = TRUE)
  #stopifnot(all(abs(a-b)<eps)); # commented out for time beeing - on to do list
  # compare calculation at array ends
  a = runmean(x, k, endrule="mean")  # fast C code
  b = runmean(x, k, endrule="func")  # slow R code
  # Testing of different methods to each other for non-finite data
  # Only alg "C" and "exact" can handle not finite numbers 
  eps = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5
  n=200;  k=51;
  x = rnorm(n,sd=30) + abs(seq(n)-n/4) # nice behaving data
  x[seq(1,n,10)] = NaN;                # add NANs
  x[seq(1,n, 9)] = Inf;                # add infinities
  b = runmean( x, k, alg="C")
  c = runmean( x, k, alg="exact")

  # Test if moving windows forward and backward gives the same results
  # Test also performed on data with non-finite numbers
  a = runmean(x     , alg="C", k)
  b = runmean(x[n:1], alg="C", k)
  a = runmean(x     , alg="exact", k)
  b = runmean(x[n:1], alg="exact", k)
  # test vector vs. matrix inputs, especially for the edge handling
  nRow=200; k=25; nCol=10
  x = rnorm(nRow,sd=30) + abs(seq(nRow)-n/4)
  x[seq(1,nRow,10)] = NaN;              # add NANs
  X = matrix(rep(x, nCol ), nRow, nCol) # replicate x in columns of X
  a = runmean(x, k)
  b = runmean(X, k)
  stopifnot(all(abs(a-b[,1])<eps));        # vector vs. 2D array
  stopifnot(all(abs(b[,1]-b[,nCol])<eps)); # compare rows within 2D array

  # Exhaustive testing of different methods to each other for different windows
  numeric.test = function (x, k) {
    a = runmean( x, k, alg="fast")
    b = runmean( x, k, alg="C")
    c = runmean( x, k, alg="exact")
    d = runmean( x, k, alg="R", endrule="func")
    eps = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5
  x = rnorm(n,sd=30) + abs(seq(n)-n/4) # nice behaving data
  for(i in 1:5) numeric.test(x, i)     # test small window sizes
  for(i in 1:5) numeric.test(x, n-i+1) # test large window size

  # speed comparison
  x=runif(1e7); k=1e4;
  system.time(runmean(x,k,alg="R"))           # R version of the function
  x=runif(1e5); k=1e2;                        # reduce vector and window sizes
  system.time(runmean(x,k,alg="R"))           # R version of the function
  system.time(apply(embed(x,k), 1, mean))     # standard R approach
  system.time(filter(x, rep(1/k,k), sides=2)) # the fastest alternative I know
  # show different runmean algorithms with data spanning many orders of magnitude
  n=30; k=5;
  x = rep(100/3,n)
  x[5] = d;     
  x[13] = d; 
  x[14] = d*d; 
  x[15] = d*d*d; 
  x[16] = d*d*d*d; 
  x[17] = d*d*d*d*d; 
  a = runmean(x, k, alg="fast" )
  b = runmean(x, k, alg="C"    )
  c = runmean(x, k, alg="exact")
  y = t(rbind(x,a,b,c))

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