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haplo.ccs (version 1.1)

sandcov: Compute Sandwich Variance-Covariance Estimates


'sandcov' computes sandwich variance-covariance estimates for the coefficients of a fitted model. These estimates may be used to calculate robust standard error estimates.


sandcov(model, id)


a fitted model of class '"lm"' or '"glm"'.
the numeric vector used to identify subjects, expanded for each subject by the number of observations for that subject.


  • A named matrix for the covariance of the regression coefficients specified in 'model', calculated using the sandwich method.


For a model of class '"haplo.ccs"', the sandwich variance-covariance matrix is automatically provided as the object 'covariance', or may be extracted by 'vcov' (i.e., 'vcov.haplo.ccs'). See examples below.


Liang KY, Zeger SL. (1986). Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models. Biometrika 73:13-22.

See Also

glm, haplo.ccs, lm


Run this code

## Fit a model for covariate effects.

m1 <- glm(case ~ age + factor(race) + gender, family=binomial(link=logit))

## Obtain sandwich variance-covariance matrix.

id <- 1:length(case)
v1 <- sandcov(model = m1, id = id)

## Calculate robust standard error estimates.

se1 <- sqrt(diag(v1))

## Fit a model for haplotype and covariate effects.

m2 <- haplo.ccs(case ~ gender + age + factor(race) + haplo(geno))

## Obtain sandwich variance-covariance matrix by one of two methods.

v2 <- m2$covariance
v2 <- vcov(m2)

## Calculate robust standard error estimates.

se2 <- sqrt(diag(v2))

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