Function plotsML.gb2
produces two plots. The first is a plot of the empirical cumulative distribution function versus the fitted cumulative distibution function.
The second is a plot of the kernel density versus the fitted GB2 density. Function saveplot
saves locally the produced plot.
plotsML.gb2(z, shape1, scale, shape2, shape3, w=rep(1,length(z)))
saveplot(name, pathout)
numeric; vector of data values.
numeric; vector of weights. Must have the same length as z
. By default w
is a vector of 1.
numeric; positive parameter.
numeric; positive parameter.
numeric; positive parameters of the Beta distribution.
string; the name of the plot.
string; the path of the folder or device where the plot will be saved.
The used kernel is "Epanechnikov" (see plot