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tmap (version 1.4-1)

save_tmap: Save tmap


Save tmap to a file, such as png, jpg, or pdf.


save_tmap(tm, filename = shp_name(tm), width = NA, height = NA, units = NA, dpi = 300, outer.margins = 0, asp = 0, scale = NA, insets_tm = NULL, insets_vp = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...)


tmap object
filename including extension, and optionally the path. The extensions pdf, eps, svg, wmf (Windows only), png, jpg, bmp, or tiff are supported. If the extension is missing, the file will be saved as png image
width. Units are set with the argument units. If set to NA and height is specified, it will be height * aspect ratio. If both width and height are not specified, then the width of the current plotting window will be taken.
height. Units are set with the argument units. If set to NA and width is specified, it will be width / aspect ratio. If both width and height are not specified, then the height of the current plotting window will be taken.
units for width and height ("in", "cm", or "mm"). By default, pixels ("px") are used if either width or height is set to a value greater than 50. Else, the units are inches ("in")
dots per inch. Only applicable for raster graphics.
overrides the outer.margins argument of tm_layout (unless set to NA)
overrides the asp argument of tm_layout (unless set to NA)
overrides the scale argument of tm_layout (unless set to NA)
tmap object of an inset map, or a list of tmap objects of multiple inset maps. The number of tmap objects should be equal to the number of viewports specified with insets_vp.
viewport of an inset map, or a list of viewports of multiple inset maps. The number of viewports should be equal to the number of tmap objects specified with insets_tm.
should information messages be returned?
arguments passed on to device functions or to saveWidget


Run this code
## Not run: 
# 	data(NLD_muni, NLD_prov)
# 	m <- tm_shape(NLD_muni) +
# 		     tm_fill(col="population", convert2density=TRUE, 
#                  style="kmeans", 
#                  title=expression("Population (per " * km^2 * ")"), 
#                  legend.hist=FALSE) +
# 		     tm_borders("black", alpha=.5) + 
# 		 tm_shape(NLD_prov) +
# 		     tm_borders("grey25", lwd=2) +
# 	     tm_format_NLD(inner.margins = c(.02, .15, .06, .15)) + 
# 	     tm_scale_bar(position = c("left", "bottom")) +
# 	     tm_compass(position=c("right", "bottom")) + 
# 	     tm_style_classic()
# 	save_tmap(m, "choropleth.png", height=7)
# 	m2 <- tm_shape(World) +
# 		tm_fill("well_being", id="name", title="Well-being") +
# 		tm_format_World()
# 	# save image
# 	save_tmap(m2, "World_map.png", width=1920, height=1080)
# 	# save interactive plot
# 	save_tmap(m2, "World_map.html")
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab