## On some devices not all colors can be displayed.
## Try the postscript device or use highlight.3d = FALSE.
## example 1
z <- seq(-10, 10, 0.01)
x <- cos(z)
y <- sin(z)
scatterplot3d(x, y, z, highlight.3d=TRUE, col.axis="blue",
col.grid="lightblue", main="scatterplot3d - 1", pch=20, mar=c(0,0,0,0))
## example 2
temp <- seq(-pi, 0, length = 50)
x <- c(rep(1, 50) %*% t(cos(temp)))
y <- c(cos(temp) %*% t(sin(temp)))
z <- c(sin(temp) %*% t(sin(temp)))
scatterplot3d(x, y, z, highlight.3d=TRUE,
col.axis="blue", col.grid="lightblue",
main="scatterplot3d - 2", pch=20)
## example 3
temp <- seq(-pi, 0, length = 50)
x <- c(rep(1, 50) %*% t(cos(temp)))
y <- c(cos(temp) %*% t(sin(temp)))
z <- 10 * c(sin(temp) %*% t(sin(temp)))
color <- rep("green", length(x))
temp <- seq(-10, 10, 0.01)
x <- c(x, cos(temp))
y <- c(y, sin(temp))
z <- c(z, temp)
color <- c(color, rep("red", length(temp)))
scatterplot3d(x, y, z, color, pch=20, zlim=c(-2, 10),
main="scatterplot3d - 3")
## example 4
my.mat <- matrix(runif(25), nrow=5)
dimnames(my.mat) <- list(LETTERS[1:5], letters[11:15])
my.mat # the matrix we want to plot ...
s3d.dat <- data.frame(cols=as.vector(col(my.mat)),
scatterplot3d(s3d.dat, type="h", lwd=5, pch=" ",
x.ticklabs=colnames(my.mat), y.ticklabs=rownames(my.mat),
color=grey(25:1/40), main="scatterplot3d - 4")
## example 5
s3d <- scatterplot3d(trees, type="h", highlight.3d=TRUE,
angle=55, scale.y=0.7, pch=16, main="scatterplot3d - 5")
# Now adding some points to the "scatterplot3d"
s3d$points3d(seq(10,20,2), seq(85,60,-5), seq(60,10,-10),
col="blue", type="h", pch=16)
# Now adding a regression plane to the "scatterplot3d"
my.lm <- lm(Volume ~ Girth + Height)
s3d$plane3d(my.lm, lty.box = "solid")
## example 6; by Martin Maechler
cubedraw <- function(res3d, min = 0, max = 255, cex = 2, text. = FALSE)
## Purpose: Draw nice cube with corners
cube01 <- rbind(c(0,0,1), 0, c(1,0,0), c(1,1,0), 1, c(0,1,1), # < 6 outer
c(1,0,1), c(0,1,0)) # <- "inner": fore- & back-ground
cub <- min + (max-min)* cube01
## visibile corners + lines:
res3d$points3d(cub[c(1:6,1,7,3,7,5) ,], cex = cex, type = 'b', lty = 1)
## hidden corner + lines
res3d$points3d(cub[c(2,8,4,8,6), ], cex = cex, type = 'b', lty = 3)
if(text.)## debug
text(res3d$xyz.convert(cub), labels=1:nrow(cub), col='tomato', cex=2)
## 6 a) The named colors in R, i.e. colors()
cc <- colors()
crgb <- t(col2rgb(cc))
par(xpd = TRUE)
rr <- scatterplot3d(crgb, color = cc, box = FALSE, angle = 24,
xlim = c(-50, 300), ylim = c(-50, 300), zlim = c(-50, 300))
## 6 b) The rainbow colors from rainbow(201)
rbc <- rainbow(201)
Rrb <- t(col2rgb(rbc))
rR <- scatterplot3d(Rrb, color = rbc, box = FALSE, angle = 24,
xlim = c(-50, 300), ylim = c(-50, 300), zlim = c(-50, 300))
rR$points3d(Rrb, col = rbc, pch = 16)
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