schnabel: Population Size Estimates from Repeated Mark-Recapture Experiments
Estimates of population abundance from Schnabel (1938) and Schumacher and Eschmeyer (1943) are calculated from
repeated mark-recapture experiments following Krebs (1989).
Dataframe containing the population estimates for the Schnabel and Schumacher & Eschmeyer methods (N),
the inverse standard errors (invSE), lower (LCI) and upper (UCI) confidence intervals,
and the type of distribution used to set confidence intervals (CI Distribution).
A vector containing the number of animal caught in each mark-recapture experiment.
A vector containing the number of animal recaptured in each mark-recapture experiment.
A vector containing the newly marked animals in each mark-recapture experiment.
the alpha level for confidence intervals. Default = 0.05
All computations follow Krebs (1989: p. 30-34). For the Schnabel method, the poisson
distribution is used to set confidence intervals if the sum of all recaptures is <50,and the t distribution is used if the sum of all recaptures is >=50.
For the Schumacher-Eschmeyer method, the t distribution is used to set confidence intervals.
Krebs, C. J. 1989. Ecological Methodologies. Harper and Row, New York, NY. 654 p.