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VGAM (version 1.0-6)

score.stat: Rao's Score Test Statistics Evaluated at the Null Values


Generic function that computes Rao's score test statistics evaluated at the null values (consequently they do not suffer from the Hauck-Donner effect).


score.stat(object, ...)
score.stat.vlm(object, values0 = 0, subset = NULL, omit1s = TRUE,
          all.out = FALSE, iterate = TRUE, trace = FALSE, ...)


object, values0, subset

Same as in wald.stat.vlm.

omit1s, all.out, iterate

Same as in wald.stat.vlm.


Same as in wald.stat.vlm.

Ignored for now.


By default the signed square root of the Rao score statistics are returned. If all.out = TRUE then a list is returned with the following components: score.stat the score statistic, SE0 the standard error of that coefficient, values0 the null values. Approximately, the default score statistics output are standard normal random variates if each null hypothesis is true.


See wald.stat.vlm.


The (Rao) score test (also known as the Lagrange multiplier test in econometrics) is a third general method for hypothesis testing under a likelihood-based framework (the others are the likelihood ratio test and Wald test; see lrt.stat and wald.stat). Asymptotically, the three tests are equivalent. The Wald test is not invariant to parameterization, and the usual Wald test statistics computed at the estimates make it vulnerable to the Hauck-Donner effect (HDE; see hdeff). This function is similar to wald.stat in that one coefficient is set to 0 (by default) and the other coefficients are iterated by IRLS to get their MLE subject to this constraint.

See Also

wald.stat, lrt.stat, summaryvglm, summary.glm, vglm, hdeff.


Run this code
pneumo <- transform(pneumo, let = log(exposure.time),
                            x3 = rnorm(nrow(pneumo)))
(pfit <- vglm(cbind(normal, mild, severe) ~ let + x3,
             propodds, data = pneumo))
score.stat(pfit)  # No HDE here; should be similar to the next line:
coef(summary(pfit))[, "z value"]  # Wald statistics computed at the MLE
summary(pfit, score0 = TRUE)
# }

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