setOldClass(c("mlm", "lm"))
setGeneric("dfResidual", function(model)standardGeneric("dfResidual"))
setMethod("dfResidual", "lm", function(model)model$df.residual)
## dfResidual will work on mlm objects as well as lm objects
myData <- data.frame(time = 1:10, y = (1:10)^.5)
myLm <- lm(cbind(y, y^3) ~ time, myData)
showClass("data.frame")# to see the predefined S4 "oldClass"
## two examples extending S3 class "lm", class "xlm" directly
## and "ylm" indirectly
setClass("xlm", representation(eps = "numeric"), contains = "lm")
setClass("ylm", representation(header = "character"), contains = "xlm")
ym1 = new("ylm", myLm, header = "Example", eps = 0.)
## for more examples, see ?\link{S3Class}.
## Examples of S3 classes with guaranteed attributes
## an S3 class "stamped" with a vector and a "date" attribute
## Here is a generator function and an S3 print method.
## NOTE: it's essential that the generator checks the attribute classes
stamped <- function(x, date = Sys.time()) {
if(!inherits(date, "POSIXt"))
stop("bad date argument")
stop("x must be a vector")
attr(x, "date") <- date
class(x) <- "stamped"
print.stamped <- function(x, ...) {
cat("Date: ", format(attr(x,"date")), "\n")
## Now, an S4 class with the same structure:
setClass("stamped4", contains = "vector", representation(date = "POSIXt"))
## We can use the S4 class to register "stamped", with its attributes:
setOldClass("stamped", S4Class = "stamped4")
selectMethod("show", "stamped")
## and then remove "stamped4" to clean up
someLetters <- stamped(sample(letters, 10),
ISOdatetime(2008, 10, 15, 12, 0, 0))
st <- new("stamped", someLetters)
# show() method prints the object's class, then calls the S3 print method.
stopifnot(identical(S3Part(st, TRUE), someLetters))
# creating the S4 object directly from its data part and slots
new("stamped", 1:10, date = ISOdatetime(1976, 5, 5, 15, 10, 0))
## Not run:
# ## The code in R that defines "ts" as an S4 class
# setClass("ts", contains = "structure",
# representation(tsp = "numeric"),
# prototype(NA, tsp = rep(1,3)))
# # prototype to be a legal S3 time-series
# ## and now registers it as an S3 class
# setOldClass("ts", S4Class = "ts", where = envir)
# ## End(Not run)
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