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mvbutils (version 2.8.232)

setup.mcache: Cacheing objects for lazy-load access


Manually setup existing reference objects-- rarely used explicitly.


setup.mcache( envir, fpath, refs)



environment or position on the search path.


directory where "obj*.rda" files live.


which objects to handle-- all names in the mcache attribute of envir, by default


Creates an active binding in envir for each element in refs. The active binding for an object myobj will be a function which keeps the real data in its own environment, reading and writing it as required. Writing a new value will give attr( envir, "mcache")[ "myobj"] a negative sign. This signals that the "obj*.rda" file needs updating, and the next Save (or move or cd) command will do so. [The "*" is the absolute value of attr( envir, "mcache")[ "myobj"].] One wrinkle is that the "real data" is initially a promise created by delayedAssign, which will fetch the data from disk the first time it is needed.

See Also

mlazy, makeActiveBinding, delayedAssign