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mclust (version 2.1-14)

simE: Simulate from a Parameterized MVN Mixture Model


Simulate data from a parameterized MVN mixture model.


simE(mu, sigmasq, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simV(mu, sigmasq, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simEII(mu, sigmasq, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simVII(mu, sigmasq, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simEEI(mu, decomp, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simVEI(mu, decomp, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simEVI(mu, decomp, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simVVI(mu, decomp, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simEEE(mu, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simEEV(mu, decomp, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simVEV(mu, decomp, pro, ..., seed = 0)
simVVV(mu, pro, ..., seed = 0)


The mean for each component. If there is more than one component, mu is a matrix whose columns are the means of the components.
for the one-dimensional models ("E", "V") and spherical models ("EII", "VII"). This is either a vector whose kth component is the variance for the kth component in the mixture model ("V" and "VII"), or a scalar giving the com
for the diagonal models ("EEI", "VEI", "EVI", "VVI") and some ellipsoidal models ("EEV", "VEV"). This is a list described in cdens.
Component mixing proportions. If missing, equal proportions are assumed.
Other terms describing variance: [object Object],[object Object],The form of the variance specification is the same as for the output for the em, me, or mstep methods for the specified mixture m