Simulates capture count data under the assumptions of the Equal Capture Model (ECM), where all individuals are assumed to have an equal probability of being captured
simEcm(n, s)
Number of individuals in the population
Total number of samples collected
A two-column data frame with the first column specifiying the capture class (i.e. individuals caught i times) and the second column specifying the number of individuals in each class.The data frame can be used as the data argument for any of the model-fitting functions implemented in capwire
Miller C. R., P. Joyce and L.P. Waits. 2005. A new method for estimating the size of small populations from genetic mark-recapture data. Molecular Ecology 14:1991-2005.
Pennell M.W., C.R. Stansbury, L.P. Waits and C.R. Miller. submitted. capwire: A R Package for Estimating Population Census Size from Non-Invasive Genetic Sampling