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pROC (version 1.3.2)

smooth.roc: Smooth a ROC curve


This function smoothes a ROC curve. By default, a binormal smoothing is performed, but density or custom smoothings are supported.


## S3 method for class 'default':
## S3 method for class 'roc':
method=c("binormal", "density", "fitdistr"), n=512, bw = "nrd0",
density=NULL, density.controls=density, density.cases=density,
start=NULL, start.controls=start, start.cases=start, 
reuse.auc=TRUE, reuse.ci=FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'smooth.roc':
smooth(smooth.roc, ...)


roc, smooth.roc
a roc object from the roc function, or a smooth.roc object from the smooth.roc function.
binormal, density, fitdistr, or a function returning a list of smoothed sensitivities and specificities.
the number of equally spaced points where the smoothed curve will be calculated.
if method="density" and density.controls and density.cases are not provided, bw is passed to density to determine the bandwidth of the density
density, density.controls, density.cases
if method="density", a numeric value of density (over the y axis) or a function returning a density (such as density. If method="fitdistr", a densfun a
start, start.controls, start.cases
if method="fitdistr", optionnal start arguments for . start.controls and start.cases allows to specify different distributions for controls and cases.
reuse.auc, reuse.ci
if TRUE (default for reuse.auc) and the roc objects contain auc or ci fields, re-use these specifications to regenerate auc or
further arguments passed to or from other methods, and especially to density (only cut, adjust, and kernel, plus window for compatibility with S+)


  • A list of class smooth.roc with the following fields:
  • sensitivitiesthe smoothed sensitivities defining the ROC curve.
  • specificitiesthe smoothed specificities defining the ROC curve.
  • percentif the sensitivities, specificities and AUC are reported in percent, as defined in argument.
  • directionthe direction of the comparison, as defined in argument.
  • thresholdsthe thresholds at which the sensitivities and specificities were computed.
  • callhow the function was called. See match.call for more details.
  • smoothing.argsa list of the arguments used for the smoothing. Will serve to apply the smoothing again in further bootstrap operations.
  • fit.controls, fit.casesthe result of MASS's fitdistr function for controls and cases, with an additional densfun item indicating the density function, if possible as character.
  • aucif the original ROC curve contained an AUC, it is computed again on the smoothed ROC.
  • ciif the original ROC curve contained a CI, it is computed again on the smoothed ROC.
  • Additionally, the original roc object is stored as a roc attribute.




If method is a function, the return values will be checked thoroughly for validity (list with two numeric elements of the same length named sensitivities and specificities with values in the range of possible values for sensitivities and specificities).

The message The 'density' function must return a numeric vector or a list with a 'y' item. will be displayed if the density function did not return a valid output. The message Length of 'density.controls' and 'density.cases' differ. will be displayed if the returned value differ in length.

Binormal smoothing cannot smooth ROC curve defined by only one point. Any such attempt will fail with the error ROC curve not smoothable (not enough points)..

If the smooth ROC curve was generated by roc with density.controls and density.cases numeric arguments, it cannot be smoothed and the error Cannot smooth a ROC curve generated directly with numeric 'density.controls' and 'density.cases'. is produced.


If method="binormal", a linear model is fitted to the quantiles of the sensitivities and specificities. Smoothed sensitivities and specificities are then generated from this model on n points. This simple approach was found to work well for most ROC curves, but it may produce hooked smooths in some situations (see in Hanley (1988)).

With method="density", the density function is employed to generate a smooth kernel density of the control and case observations as described by Zhou et al. (1997), unless density.controls or density.cases are provided directly. bw can be given to specify a bandwidth to use with density. It can be a numeric value or a character string (nrd0, nrd, ucv, bcv or SJ, but any name matching a function prefixed with bw. is supported). In the case of a character string, the whole predictor data is employed to determine the numeric value to use on both controls and cases. Depending on your data, it might be a good idea to specify the kernel argument for density. By default, gaussian is used, but epanechnikov, rectangular, triangular, biweight, cosine and optcosine are supported. As all the kernels are symetrical, it might help to normalize the data first (that is, before calling roc), for example with quantile normalization: norm.x <- qnorm(rank(x)/(length(x)+1)) smooth(roc(response, norm.x, ...), ...)

Additionally, density can be a function which must return either a numeric vector of densities over the y axis or a list with a y item like the density function. It must accept the following input: density.fun(x, n, from, to, bw, kernel, ...) It is important to honour n, from and to in order to have the densities evaluated on the same points for controls and cases. Failing to do so and returning densities of different length will produce an error. It is also a good idea to use a constant smoothing parameter (such as bw) especially when controls and cases have a different number of observations, to avoid producing smoother or rougher densities.

If method="fitdistr", the fitdistr function from the MASS package is employed to fit parameters for the density function density with optionnal start parameters start. The density function are fitted separately in control (density.controls, start.controls) and case observations (density.cases, start.cases). density can be one of the character values allowed by fitdistr or a density function (such as dnorm, dweibull, ...).

Finally, method can also be a function. It must return a list with exactly 2 elements named sensitivities and specificities, which must be numeric vectors between 0 and 1 or 100 (depending on the percent argument to roc). It is passed all the arguments to the smooth function.

smooth.default forces the usage of the smooth function in the stats package, so that other code relying on smooth should continue to function normally.

Smoothed ROC curves can be passed to smooth again. In this case, the smoothing is not re-applied on the smoothed ROC curve but the original roc object will be re-used.


James E. Hanley (1988) ``The robustness of the ``binormal'' assumptions used in fitting ROC curves''. Medical Decision Making 8, 197--203. Kelly H. Zou, W. J. Hall and David E. Shapiro (1997) ``Smooth non-parametric receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for continuous diagnostic tests''. Statistics in Medicine 18, 2143--2156. DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0258(19971015)16:19<2143::aid-sim655>3.0.CO;2-3.

See Also



Run this code

##  Basic example
rocobj <- roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$s100b)
# or directly with roc()
roc(aSAH$outcome, aSAH$s100b, smooth=TRUE)

# plotting
rs <- smooth(rocobj, method="binormal")
plot(rs, add=TRUE, col="green")
rs2 <- smooth(rocobj, method="density")
plot(rs2, add=TRUE, col="blue")
rs3 <- smooth(rocobj, method="fitdistr", density="lognormal")
plot(rs3, add=TRUE, col="magenta")
legend("bottomright", legend=c("Empirical", "Binormal", "Density", "Log-normal"),
       col=c("black", "green", "blue", "magenta"), lwd=2)

## Advanced smoothing

# if we know the distributions are normal with sd=0.1 and an unknown mean:
smooth(rocobj, method="fitdistr", density=dnorm, start=list(mean=1), sd=.1)
# different distibutions for controls and cases:
smooth(rocobj, method="fitdistr", density.controls="normal", density.cases="lognormal")

# with densities
bw <- bw.nrd0(rocobj$predictor)
density.controls <- density(rocobj$controls, from=min(rocobj$predictor) - 3 * bw,
                            to=max(rocobj$predictor) + 3*bw, bw=bw, kernel="gaussian")
density.cases <- density(rocobj$cases, from=min(rocobj$predictor) - 3 * bw,
                            to=max(rocobj$predictor) + 3*bw, bw=bw, kernel="gaussian")
smooth(rocobj, method="density", density.controls=density.controls$y, 
# which is roughly what is done by a simple:
smooth(rocobj, method="density")

## Smoothing artificial ROC curves

rand.unif <- runif(1000, -1, 1)
rand.exp <- rexp(1000)
rand.norm <- 

# two normals
roc.norm <- roc(controls=rnorm(1000), cases=rnorm(1000)+1, plot=TRUE)
plot(smooth(roc.norm), col="green", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
plot(smooth(roc.norm, method="density"), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
plot(smooth(roc.norm, method="fitdistr"), col="blue", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
legend("bottomright", legend=c("empirical", "binormal", "density", "fitdistr"),
       col=c(par("fg"), "green", "red", "blue"), lwd=c(2, 1, 1, 1))
# deviation from the normality
roc.norm.exp <- roc(controls=rnorm(1000), cases=rexp(1000), plot=TRUE)
plot(smooth(roc.norm.exp), col="green", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
plot(smooth(roc.norm.exp, method="density"), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
# Wrong fitdistr: normality assumed by default
plot(smooth(roc.norm.exp, method="fitdistr"), col="blue", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
# Correct fitdistr
plot(smooth(roc.norm.exp, method="fitdistr", density.controls="normal",
            density.cases="exponential"), col="purple", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
legend("bottomright", legend=c("empirical", "binormal", "density",
                               "wrong fitdistr", "correct fitdistr"),
       col=c(par("fg"), "green", "red", "blue", "purple"), lwd=c(2, 1, 1, 1, 1))

# large deviation from the normality
roc.unif.exp <- roc(controls=runif(1000, 2, 3), cases=rexp(1000)+2, plot=TRUE)
plot(smooth(roc.unif.exp), col="green", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
plot(smooth(roc.unif.exp, method="density"), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
plot(smooth(roc.unif.exp, method="density", bw="ucv"), col="magenta", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
# Wrong fitdistr: normality assumed by default (uniform distributions not handled)
plot(smooth(roc.unif.exp, method="fitdistr"), col="blue", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
legend("bottomright", legend=c("empirical", "binormal", "density",
                               "density ucv", "wrong fitdistr"),
       col=c(par("fg"), "green", "red", "magenta", "blue"), lwd=c(2, 1, 1, 1, 1))

# 2 uniform distributions with a custom density function
unif.density <- function(x, n, from, to, bw, kernel, ...) {
  smooth.x <- seq(from=from, to=to, length.out=n)
  smooth.y <- dunif(smooth.x, min=min(x), max=max(x))
roc.unif <- roc(controls=runif(1000, -1, 1), cases=runif(1000, 0, 2), plot=TRUE)
s <- smooth(roc.unif, method="density", density=unif.density)
plot(s, add=TRUE, col="grey")

# you can bootstrap a ROC curve smoothed with a density function:
ci(s, boot.n=100)

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