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stats (version 3.6.2)

smoothEnds: End Points Smoothing (for Running Medians)


Smooth end points of a vector y using subsequently smaller medians and Tukey's end point rule at the very end. (of odd span),


smoothEnds(y, k = 3)



dependent variable to be smoothed (vector).


width of largest median window; must be odd.


vector of smoothed values, the same length as y.


smoothEnds is used to only do the ‘end point smoothing’, i.e., change at most the observations closer to the beginning/end than half the window k. The first and last value are computed using Tukey's end point rule, i.e., sm[1] = median(y[1], sm[2], 3*sm[2] - 2*sm[3], na.rm=TRUE).

In R versions 3.6.0 and earlier, missing values (NA) in y typically lead to an error, whereas now the equivalent of median(*, na.rm=TRUE) is used.


John W. Tukey (1977) Exploratory Data Analysis, Addison.

Velleman, P.F., and Hoaglin, D.C. (1981) ABC of EDA (Applications, Basics, and Computing of Exploratory Data Analysis); Duxbury.

See Also

runmed(*, endrule = "median") which calls smoothEnds().


Run this code

y <- ys <- (-20:20)^2
y [c(1,10,21,41)] <-  c(100, 30, 400, 470)
s7k <- runmed(y, 7, endrule = "keep")
s7. <- runmed(y, 7, endrule = "const")
s7m <- runmed(y, 7)
col3 <- c("midnightblue","blue","steelblue")
plot(y, main = "Running Medians -- runmed(*, k=7, endrule = X)")
lines(ys, col = "light gray")
matlines(cbind(s7k, s7.,s7m), lwd = 1.5, lty = 1, col = col3)
eRules <- c("keep","constant","median")
legend("topleft", paste("endrule", eRules, sep = " = "),
       col = col3, lwd = 1.5, lty = 1, bty = "n")

stopifnot(identical(s7m, smoothEnds(s7k, 7)))

## With missing values (for R >= 3.6.1):
yN <- y; yN[c(2,40)] <- NA
rN <- sapply(eRules, function(R) runmed(yN, 7, endrule=R))
matlines(rN, type = "b", pch = 4, lwd = 3, lty=2,
         col = adjustcolor(c("red", "orange4", "orange1"), 0.5))
yN[c(1, 20:21)] <- NA # additionally
rN. <- sapply(eRules, function(R) runmed(yN, 7, endrule=R))
head(rN., 4); tail(rN.) # more NA's too, still not *so* many:
stopifnot(exprs = {
   identical(which(is.na(rN[,"keep"])), c(2L, 40L))
   identical(which(is.na(rN.), arr.ind=TRUE, useNames=FALSE),
             cbind(c(1:2,40L), 1L))
   identical(rN.[38:41, "median"], c(289,289, 397, 470))
# }

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