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snip_list: A fn for info_snippet(): get a list of column categories


The snip_list() function can be used as an info_snippet() function (i.e., provided to fn) to get a catalog list from a table column. You can limit the of items in that list with the limit value.


  limit = 5,
  sorting = c("inorder", "infreq", "inseq"),
  reverse = FALSE,
  sep = ",",
  and_or = NULL,
  oxford = TRUE,
  as_code = TRUE,
  quot_str = NULL,
  lang = NULL



The name of the column that contains the target values.


A limit of items put into the generated list. The returned text will state the remaining number of items beyond the limit. By default, the limit is 5.


A keyword used to designate the type of sorting to use for the list. The three options are "inorder" (the default), "infreq", and "inseq". With "inorder", distinct items are listed in the order in which they firsts appear. Using "infreq" orders the items by the decreasing frequency of each item. The "inseq" option applies an alphanumeric sorting to the distinct list items.


An option to reverse the ordering of list items. By default, this is FALSE but using TRUE will reverse the items before applying the limit.


The separator to use between list items. By default, this is a comma.


The type of conjunction to use between the final and penultimate list items (should the item length be below the limit value). If NULL (the default) is used, then the 'and' conjunction will be used. Alternatively, the following keywords can be used: "and", "or", or an empty string (for no conjunction at all).


Whether to use an Oxford comma under certain conditions. By default, this is TRUE.


Should each list item appear in a 'code font' (i.e., as monospaced text)? By default this is TRUE. Using FALSE keeps all list items in the same font as the rest of the information report.


An option for whether list items should be set in double quotes. If NULL (the default), the quotation marks are mainly associated with list items derived from character or factor values; numbers, dates, and logical values won't have quotation marks. We can explicitly use quotations (or not) with either TRUE or FALSE here.


The language to use for any joining words (from the and_or option) or additional words in the generated list string. By default, NULL will use whichever lang setting is available in the parent informant object (this is settable in the create_informant() lang argument). If specified here as an override, the language options are English ("en"), French ("fr"), German ("de"), Italian ("it"), Spanish ("es"), Portuguese, ("pt"), Chinese ("zh"), and Russian ("ru").


A formula needed for info_snippet()'s fn argument.

Function ID


See Also

Other Information Functions: info_columns(), info_section(), info_snippet(), info_tabular(), snip_highest(), snip_lowest(), snip_stats()


Run this code
# Generate an informant object, add
# a snippet with `info_snippet()`
# and `snip_list()` (giving us a
# method to get a distinct list of
# column values for column `f`);
# define a location for the snippet
# result in `{ }` and then
# `incorporate()` the snippet into
# the info text
informant <- 
    read_fn = ~ small_table,
    tbl_name = "small_table",
    label = "An example."
  ) %>% 
    columns = "f",
    `Items` = "This column contains {values_f}."
  ) %>%
    snippet_name = "values_f",
    fn = snip_list(column = "f")
  ) %>%

# We can print the `informant` object
# to see the information report

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab