rmvn <- function(n, mu=0, V = matrix(1)){
p <- length(mu)
if(any(is.na(match(dim(V),p)))){stop("Dimension problem!")}
D <- chol(V)
t(matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p)%*%D + rep(mu,rep(n,p)))
##generate some data
n <- 100 ##number of locations
q <- 3 ##number of outcomes at each location
nltr <- q*(q+1)/2 ##number of triangular elements in the cross-covariance matrix
coords <- cbind(runif(n,0,1), runif(n,0,1))
##parameters for generating a multivariate spatial GP covariance matrix
theta <- rep(3/0.5,q) ##spatial decay
A <- matrix(0,q,q)
A[lower.tri(A,TRUE)] <- c(1,1,-1,1,0.5,0.25)
K <- A%*%t(A)
K ##spatial cross-covariance
cov2cor(K) ##spatial cross-correlation
C <- mkSpCov(coords, K, diag(0,q), theta, cov.model="exponential")
w <- rmvn(1, rep(0,nrow(C)), C) ##spatial random effects
w.a <- w[seq(1,length(w),q)]
w.b <- w[seq(2,length(w),q)]
w.c <- w[seq(3,length(w),q)]
##covariate portion of the mean
x.a <- cbind(1, rnorm(n))
x.b <- cbind(1, rnorm(n))
x.c <- cbind(1, rnorm(n))
x <- mkMvX(list(x.a, x.b, x.c))
B.1 <- c(1,-1)
B.2 <- c(-1,1)
B.3 <- c(-1,-1)
B <- c(B.1, B.2, B.3)
y <- rpois(nrow(C), exp(x%*%B+w))
y.a <- y[seq(1,length(y),q)]
y.b <- y[seq(2,length(y),q)]
y.c <- y[seq(3,length(y),q)]
##subsample to make spatially misaligned data
sub.1 <- 1:50
y.1 <- y.a[sub.1]
w.1 <- w.a[sub.1]
coords.1 <- coords[sub.1,]
x.1 <- x.a[sub.1,]
sub.2 <- 25:75
y.2 <- y.b[sub.2]
w.2 <- w.b[sub.2]
coords.2 <- coords[sub.2,]
x.2 <- x.b[sub.2,]
sub.3 <- 50:100
y.3 <- y.c[sub.3]
w.3 <- w.c[sub.3]
coords.3 <- coords[sub.3,]
x.3 <- x.c[sub.3,]
##call spMisalignGLM
q <- 3
A.starting <- diag(1,q)[lower.tri(diag(1,q), TRUE)]
n.batch <- 200
batch.length <- 25
n.samples <- n.batch*batch.length
starting <- list("beta"=rep(0,length(B)), "phi"=rep(3/0.5,q), "A"=A.starting, "w"=0)
tuning <- list("beta"=rep(0.1,length(B)), "phi"=rep(1,q), "A"=rep(0.1,length(A.starting)), "w"=1)
priors <- list("phi.Unif"=list(rep(3/0.75,q), rep(3/0.25,q)),
"K.IW"=list(q+1, diag(0.1,q)), rep(0.1,q))
m.1 <- spMisalignGLM(list(y.1~x.1-1, y.2~x.2-1, y.3~x.3-1), family="poisson",
coords=list(coords.1, coords.2, coords.3),
starting=starting, tuning=tuning, priors=priors,
amcmc=list("n.batch"=n.batch, "batch.length"=batch.length, "accept.rate"=0.43),
cov.model="exponential", n.report=10)
burn.in <- floor(0.75*n.samples)
plot(m.1$p.beta.theta.samples, density=FALSE)
##predict for all locations, i.e., observed and not observed
out <- spPredict(m.1, start=burn.in, thin=10, pred.covars=list(x.a, x.b, x.c),
pred.coords=list(coords, coords, coords))
##summary and check
quants <- function(x){quantile(x, prob=c(0.5,0.025,0.975))}
y.hat <- apply(out$p.y.predictive.samples, 1, quants)
##unstack and plot
y.a.hat <- y.hat[,1:n]
y.b.hat <- y.hat[,(n+1):(2*n)]
y.c.hat <- y.hat[,(2*n+1):(3*n)]
plot(y.a ,y.a.hat[1,], xlab="Observed y.a", ylab="Fitted & predicted y.a")
plot(y.b, y.b.hat[1,], xlab="Observed y.b", ylab="Fitted & predicted y.b")
plot(y.c, y.c.hat[1,], xlab="Observed y.c", ylab="Fitted & predicted y.c")
# }
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