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terra (version 1.7-83)

spatSample: Take a regular sample


Take a spatial sample from a SpatRaster, SpatVector or SpatExtent. Sampling a SpatVector or SpatExtent always returns a SpatVector of points.

With a SpatRaster, you can get cell values, cell numbers (cells=TRUE), coordinates (xy=TRUE) or (when method="regular" and as.raster=TRUE) get a new SpatRaster with the same extent, but fewer cells.

In order to assure regularity when requesting a regular sample, the number of cells or points returned may not be exactly the same as the size requested.


# S4 method for SpatRaster
spatSample(x, size, method="random", replace=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE, 
    as.raster=FALSE, as.df=TRUE, as.points=FALSE, values=TRUE, cells=FALSE, 
    xy=FALSE, ext=NULL, warn=TRUE, weights=NULL, exp=5, exhaustive=FALSE)

# S4 method for SpatVector spatSample(x, size, method="random", strata=NULL, chess="")

# S4 method for SpatExtent spatSample(x, size, method="random", lonlat, as.points=FALSE)


numeric matrix, data.frame, SpatRaster or SpatVector



SpatRaster, SpatVector or SpatExtent


numeric. The sample size. If x is a SpatVector, you can also provide a vector of the same length as x in which case sampling is done separately for each geometry. If x is a SpatRaster, and you are using method="regular" you can specify the size as two numbers (number of rows and columns)


character. Should be "regular" or "random", If x is a SpatRaster, it can also be "stratified" (each value in x is a stratum) or "weights" (each value in x is a probability weight)


logical. If TRUE, sampling is with replacement (if method="random")


logical. If TRUE, NAs are removed. Only used with random sampling of cell values. That is with method="random", as.raster=FALSE, cells=FALSE


logical. If TRUE, a SpatRaster is returned


logical. If TRUE, a data.frame is returned instead of a matrix


logical. If TRUE, a SpatVector of points is returned


logical. If TRUE raster cell values are returned


logical. If TRUE, cell numbers are returned. If method="stratified" this is always set to TRUE if xy=FALSE


logical. If TRUE, cell coordinates are returned


SpatExtent or NULL to restrict sampling to a subset of the area of x


logical. Give a warning if the sample size returned is smaller than requested


SpatRaster. Used to provide weights when method="stratified"


if not NULL, stratified random sampling is done, taking size samples from each stratum. If x has polygon geometry, strata must be a field name (or index) in x. If x has point geometry, strata can be a SpatVector of polygons or a SpatRaster


character. One of "", "white", or "black". For stratified sampling if strata is a SpatRaster. If not "", samples are only taken from alternate cells, organized like the "white" or "black" fields on a chessboard


logical. If TRUE, sampling of a SpatExtent is weighted by cos(latitude). For SpatRaster and SpatVector this done based on the crs, but it is ignored if as.raster=TRUE


numeric >= 1. "Expansion factor" that is multiplied with size to get an initial sample used for stratified samples and random samples with na.rm=TRUE to try to get at least size samples


logical. If TRUE and na.rm=TRUE first all cells that are not NA are determined and a sample is taked from these cells. This is useful when you are dealing with a very large raster that is sparse (most cells are NA). Otherwise, the default approach may not find enough samples. This should not be used in other cases, especially not with large rasters that mostly have values


Run this code
f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
r <- rast(f)
s <- spatSample(r, 10, as.raster=TRUE)
spatSample(r, 5)
spatSample(r, 5, na.rm=TRUE)
spatSample(r, 5, "regular")

## if you require cell numbers and/or coordinates
size <- 6
spatSample(r, 6, "random", cells=TRUE, xy=TRUE, values=FALSE)

# regular, with values 
spatSample(r, 6, "regular", cells=TRUE, xy=TRUE)

# stratified
rr <- rast(ncol=10, nrow=10, names="stratum")
values(rr) <- round(runif(ncell(rr), 1, 3))
spatSample(rr, 2, "stratified", xy=TRUE)

s <- spatSample(rr, 5, "stratified", as.points=TRUE)
plot(rr, plg=list(title="raster"))
plot(s, 1, add=TRUE, plg=list(x=185, y=1, title="points"))
## SpatExtent 
e <- ext(r)
spatSample(e, 10, "random", lonlat=TRUE)

## SpatVector
f <- system.file("ex/lux.shp", package="terra")
v <- vect(f)

# sample the geometries 
i <- sample(v, 3)

# sample points in geometries
p <- spatSample(v, 3)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab