spliceR(transcriptData, compareTo, filters, expressionCutoff=0, useProgressBar=T)
object, either created manually from transcript and exon information (see SpliceRList
), or created by prepareCuff
from CuffLinks data.SpliceRList
does not include these metacolumns.SpliceRList
, identical to input SpliceRList transcriptData, with the transcript_features
slot containing the following additional columns:
requires Cufflinks to have reported the quantification of the gene as OK. Only works on transcript data from Cufflinks.
requires the parent gene to be expressed.
requires the parent gene to be expressed in at least one sample.
requires cufflinks to have reported the quantification of the isoform as OK. Only works on transcript data from Cufflinks.
requires the isoform to be expressed in at least one sample.
removed transcripts marked by cufflinks to be either 'possible pre-mRNA fragment', 'Possible polymerase run-on fragment', or 'Repeat'. Only works on transcript data from Cufflinks.
requires cufflinks to have reported the isoform as significant deregulated between samples. Only works on transcript data from Cufflinks.
#Load cufflinks example data
cuffDB <- prepareCuffExample()
#Generate SpliceRList from cufflinks data
cuffDB_spliceR <- prepareCuff(cuffDB)
#Reduce dataset size for fast example runtime
cuffDB_spliceR[[1]] <- cuffDB_spliceR[[1]][1:500]
#Run spliceR
mySpliceRList <- spliceR(cuffDB_spliceR, compareTo='preTranscript', filters=c('expressedGenes','geneOK', 'isoOK', 'expressedIso', 'isoClass'))
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab