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sf (version 0.5-5)

geos_binary_ops: Geometric operations on pairs of simple feature geometry sets


Perform geometric set operations with simple feature geometry collections


st_intersection(x, y)

st_difference(x, y)

st_sym_difference(x, y)



object of class sf, sfc or sfg


object of class sf, sfc or sfg


The intersection, difference or symmetric difference between two sets of geometries. The returned object has the same class as that of the first argument (x) with the non-empty geometries resulting from applying the operation to all geometry pairs in x and y. In case x is of class sf, the matching attributes of the original object(s) are added. The sfc geometry list-column returned carries an attribute idx, which is an n-by-2 matrix with every row the index of the corresponding entries of x and y, respectively.


A spatial index is built on argument x; see http://r-spatial.org/r/2017/06/22/spatial-index.html. The reference for the STR tree algorithm is: Leutenegger, Scott T., Mario A. Lopez, and Jeffrey Edgington. "STR: A simple and efficient algorithm for R-tree packing." Data Engineering, 1997. Proceedings. 13th international conference on. IEEE, 1997. For the pdf, search Google Scholar.

See Also

st_union for the union of simple features collections; intersect and setdiff for the base R set operations.


Run this code
# A helper function that erases all of y from x:
st_erase = function(x, y) st_difference(x, st_union(st_combine(y)))
# }

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