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lavaan (version 0.6-19)

standardizedSolution: Standardized Solution


Standardized solution of a latent variable model.


standardizedSolution(object, type = "std.all", se = TRUE, zstat = TRUE, 
                     pvalue = TRUE, ci = TRUE, level = 0.95, cov.std = TRUE, 
                     remove.eq = TRUE, remove.ineq = TRUE, remove.def = FALSE, 
                     partable = NULL, GLIST = NULL, est = NULL,
                     output = "data.frame")


A data.frame containing standardized model parameters.



An object of class lavaan.


If "std.lv", the standardized estimates are on the variances of the (continuous) latent variables only. If "std.all", the standardized estimates are based on both the variances of both (continuous) observed and latent variables. If "std.nox", the standardized estimates are based on both the variances of both (continuous) observed and latent variables, but not the variances of exogenous covariates.


Logical. If TRUE, standard errors for the standardized parameters will be computed, together with a z-statistic and a p-value.


Logical. If TRUE, an extra column is added containing the so-called z-statistic, which is simply the value of the estimate divided by its standard error.


Logical. If TRUE, an extra column is added containing the pvalues corresponding to the z-statistic, evaluated under a standard normal distribution.


If TRUE, simple symmetric confidence intervals are added to the output


The confidence level required.


Logical. If TRUE, the (residual) observed covariances are scaled by the square root of the `Theta' diagonal elements, and the (residual) latent covariances are scaled by the square root of the `Psi' diagonal elements. If FALSE, the (residual) observed covariances are scaled by the square root of the diagonal elements of the observed model-implied covariance matrix (Sigma), and the (residual) latent covariances are scaled by the square root of diagonal elements of the model-implied covariance matrix of the latent variables.


Logical. If TRUE, filter the output by removing all rows containing equality constraints, if any.


Logical. If TRUE, filter the output by removing all rows containing inequality constraints, if any.


Logical. If TRUE, filter the ouitput by removing all rows containing parameter definitions, if any.


List of model matrices. If provided, they will be used instead of the GLIST inside the object@Model slot. Only works if the est argument is also provided. See Note.


Numeric. Parameter values (as in the `est' column of a parameter table). If provided, they will be used instead of the parameters that can be extract from object. Only works if the GLIST argument is also provided. See Note.


A custom list or data.frame in which to store the standardized parameter values. If provided, it will be used instead of the parameter table inside the object@ParTable slot.


Character. If "data.frame", the parameter table is displayed as a standard (albeit lavaan-formatted) data.frame. If "text" (or alias "pretty"), the parameter table is prettyfied, and displayed with subsections (as used by the summary function).


Run this code
HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

fit <- cfa(HS.model, data=HolzingerSwineford1939)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab