path to the flow root folder or a parent folder to summarize several flows.
This skips checking status of jobs which have already been completed a
and assumes no new jobs were submitted in the flow(s) being monitored. [FALSE]
A numeric value indicating the amount of messages to produce.
Values are integers varying from 0, 1, 2, 3, .... Please refer to the verbose page for more details.
Whether or not to show a progress bar, when fetching/reading files [TRUE]
basename(x) is used in a wild card search.
Get status of all the flows:
(all flows with 'sleep_pipe' in their name are checked and their status is shown)
flowr status x=~/flowr/runs/sleep_pipe*
Provide a high level summary of ALL flows in a folder:
flowr status x=~/flowr/runs
Use use_cache=TRUE to speed up checking the status.
This assumes that no new jobs have been submitted and skips (re-)checking status of
completed jobs.
Once all the jobs have been submitted to the cluster you may always use use_cache=TRUE.