## =======================================================================
## EXAMPLE 1: BOD + O2
## =======================================================================
## Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and oxygen (O2) dynamics
## in a river
# Model equations #
O2BOD <- function(t, state, pars) {
BOD <- state[1:N]
O2 <- state[(N+1):(2*N)]
# BOD dynamics
FluxBOD <- v * c(BOD_0, BOD) # fluxes due to water transport
FluxO2 <- v * c(O2_0, O2)
BODrate <- r*BOD*O2/(O2+10) # 1-st order consumption, Monod in oxygen
#rate of change = flux gradient - consumption + reaeration (O2)
dBOD <- -diff(FluxBOD)/dx - BODrate
dO2 <- -diff(FluxO2)/dx - BODrate + p*(O2sat-O2)
return(list(c(dBOD = dBOD, dO2 = dO2), BODrate = BODrate))
# Model application#
# parameters
dx <- 100 # grid size, meters
v <- 1e2 # velocity, m/day
x <- seq(dx/2, 10000, by = dx) # m, distance from river
N <- length(x)
r <- 0.1 # /day, first-order decay of BOD
p <- 0.1 # /day, air-sea exchange rate
O2sat <- 300 # mmol/m3 saturated oxygen conc
O2_0 <- 50 # mmol/m3 riverine oxygen conc
BOD_0 <- 1500 # mmol/m3 riverine BOD concentration
# initial guess:
state <- c(rep(200, N), rep(200, N))
# solving the model - note: pos=TRUE only allows positive concentrations
out <- steady.1D (y = state, func = O2BOD, parms = NULL,
nspec = 2, pos = TRUE, names = c("BOD", "O2"))))
# Plotting output #
mf <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(x, out$y[ ,"O2"], xlab = "Distance from river",
ylab = "mmol/m3", main = "Oxygen", type = "l")
plot(x, out$y[ ,"BOD"], xlab = "Distance from river",
ylab = "mmol/m3", main = "BOD", type = "l")
plot(x, out$BODrate, xlab = "Distance from river",
ylab = "mmol/m3/d", main = "BOD decay rate", type = "l")
# same plot in one command
plot(out, which = c("O2","BOD","BODrate"),xlab = "Distance from river",
ylab = c("mmol/m3","mmol/m3","mmol/m3/d"),
main = c("Oxygen","BOD","BOD decay rate"), type = "l")
# same, but now running dynamically to steady-state - no need to set pos = TRUE
out2 <- steady.1D (y = state, func = O2BOD, parms = NULL, nspec = 2,
time = c(0, 1000), method = "runsteady",
names = c("BOD", "O2"))))
# plot all state variables at once, against "x":
plot(out2, grid=x, xlab = "Distance from river",
ylab = "mmol/m3", type = "l", lwd = 2)
plot(out, out2, grid=x, xlab = "Distance from river", which = "BODrate",
ylab = "mmol/m3", type = "l", lwd = 2)
## =======================================================================
## EXAMPLE 2: Silicate diagenesis
## =======================================================================
## Example from the book:
## Soetaert and Herman (2009).
## a practical guide to ecological modelling -
## using R as a simulation platform.
## Springer
# Model equations #
SiDIAmodel <- function (time = 0, # time, not used here
Conc, # concentrations: BSi, DSi
parms = NULL) # parameter values; not used
BSi<- Conc[1:N]
DSi<- Conc[(N+1):(2*N)]
# transport
# diffusive fluxes at upper interface of each layer
# upper concentration imposed (bwDSi), lower: zero gradient
DSiFlux <- -SedDisp * IntPor *diff(c(bwDSi ,DSi,DSi[N]))/thick
BSiFlux <- -Db *(1-IntPor)*diff(c(BSi[1],BSi,BSi[N]))/thick
BSiFlux[1] <- BSidepo # upper boundary flux is imposed
# BSi dissolution
Dissolution <- rDissSi * BSi*(1.- DSi/EquilSi )^pow
Dissolution <- pmax(0,Dissolution)
# Rate of change= Flux gradient, corrected for porosity + dissolution
dDSi <- -diff(DSiFlux)/thick/Porosity + # transport
Dissolution * (1-Porosity)/Porosity # biogeochemistry
dBSi <- -diff(BSiFlux)/thick/(1-Porosity) - Dissolution
return(list(c(dBSi, dDSi), # Rates of changes
Dissolution = Dissolution, # Profile of dissolution rates
DSiSurfFlux = DSiFlux[1], # DSi sediment-water exchange rate
DSIDeepFlux = DSiFlux[N+1], # DSi deep-water (burial) flux
BSiDeepFlux = BSiFlux[N+1])) # BSi deep-water (burial) flux
# Model run #
# sediment parameters
thick <- 0.1 # thickness of sediment layers (cm)
Intdepth <- seq(0, 10, by = thick) # depth at upper interface of layers
Nint <- length(Intdepth) # number of interfaces
Depth <- 0.5*(Intdepth[-Nint] +Intdepth[-1]) # depth at middle of layers
N <- length(Depth) # number of layers
por0 <- 0.9 # surface porosity (-)
pordeep <- 0.7 # deep porosity (-)
porcoef <- 2 # porosity decay coefficient (/cm)
# porosity profile, middle of layers
Porosity <- pordeep + (por0-pordeep)*exp(-Depth*porcoef)
# porosity profile, upper interface
IntPor <- pordeep + (por0-pordeep)*exp(-Intdepth*porcoef)
dB0 <- 1/365 # cm2/day - bioturbation coefficient
dBcoeff <- 2
mixdepth <- 5 # cm
Db <- pmin(dB0, dB0*exp(-(Intdepth-mixdepth)*dBcoeff))
# biogeochemical parameters
SedDisp <- 0.4 # diffusion coefficient, cm2/d
rDissSi <- 0.005 # dissolution rate, /day
EquilSi <- 800 # equilibrium concentration
pow <- 1
BSidepo <- 0.2*100 # nmol/cm2/day
bwDSi <- 150 # mmol/m3
# initial guess of state variables-just random numbers between 0,1
Conc <- runif(2*N)
# three runs with different deposition rates
BSidepo <- 0.2*100 # nmol/cm2/day
sol <- steady.1D (Conc, func = SiDIAmodel, parms = NULL, nspec = 2,
names = c("DSi", "BSi"))
BSidepo <- 2*100 # nmol/cm2/day
sol2 <- steady.1D (Conc, func = SiDIAmodel, parms = NULL, nspec = 2,
names = c("DSi", "BSi"))
BSidepo <- 3*100 # nmol/cm2/day
sol3 <- steady.1D (Conc, func = SiDIAmodel, parms = NULL, nspec = 2,
names = c("DSi", "BSi"))
# plotting output #
# Plot 3 runs
plot(sol, sol2, sol3, xyswap = TRUE, mfrow = c(2, 2),
xlab = c("mmolSi/m3 liquid", "mmolSi/m3 solid"),
ylab = "Depth", lwd = 2, lty = 1)
legend("bottom", c("0.2", "2", "3"), title = "mmol/m2/d",
lwd = 2, col = 1:3)
plot(Porosity, Depth, ylim = c(10, 0), xlab = "-" ,
main = "Porosity", type = "l", lwd = 2)
plot(Db, Intdepth, ylim = c(10, 0), xlab = "cm2/d",
main = "Bioturbation", type = "l", lwd = 2)
mtext(outer = TRUE, side = 3, line = -2, cex = 1.5, "SiDIAmodel")
# similar, but shorter
plot(sol, sol2, sol3, vertical =TRUE,
lwd = 2, lty = 1,
main = c("DSi [mmol/m3 liq]","BSi [mmol/m3 sol]"),
ylab= "depth [cm]")
legend("bottom", c("0.2", "2", "3"), title = "mmol/m2/d",
lwd = 2, col = 1:3)
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