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plotGoogleMaps (version 2.2)

stplotGoogleMaps: Create a plot of spacetime (STDIF,STFDF) data on Google Maps


Plot htm output with Google Maps API and a plot of spacetime (STDIF,STFDF) data as a combination of users' data and Google Maps layers. Ready to use as local htm file or into your own website.


stplotGoogleMaps(SPT, zcol=1, stfilename='spacetime.htm', filename='file', w="100%", h="49.5%", openMap=FALSE, colPalette=NULL, do.bubble=FALSE, at=NULL, bubble= list(max.radius=10000, key.entries = if(do.bubble) {quantile(SPT@data[,zcol],(1:5)/5, na.rm=T)}else{0}, do.sqrt = TRUE), iconMarker="", ...)


object of spacetime (STFDF-class, STIDF-class) with associated coordinate reference systems
variable column name, or column number after removing spatial coordinates from x@data: 1 refers to the first non-coordinate column
string use as prefix to partial files, each time instance
the name of the output htm or html file
the width of the map for each time instance. Can be in percent or in pixels (px)
the height of the map for each time instance. Can be in percent or in pixels (px)
if TRUE map is browesed by default browser for each time instance
colours to be used to fill polygon or colour for the line
if TRUE creates bubble plots
values at which colours will change
list of parameters to be passed to bubble plot. The max.radius value for maximum radius in meter. The key.entries the values that will be plotted in the key; by default the five quantiles min, q.25, median q.75, max. The do.sqrt logical; if TRUE the plotting symbol area (sqrt(diameter)) is proportional to the value of the z-variable; if FALSE, the symbol size (diameter) is proportional to the z-variable
if it is empty string creates default marker icon, link to the image or local image to be used as marker image
arguments from plotGoogleMaps


See Also

plotGoogleMaps, stfdfGoogleMaps


Run this code
## Data preparation
## Point data
## data from plotKML package and plotKML tutorial
# HRtemp08$ctime <- as.POSIXct(HRtemp08$DATE, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
# library(spacetime)
# sp <- SpatialPoints(HRtemp08[,c("Lon","Lat")])
# proj4string(sp) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
# HRtemp08.st <- STIDF(sp, time = HRtemp08$ctime, data = HRtemp08[,c("NAME","TEMP")])
# HRtemp08_jan <- HRtemp08.st[1:500]
# plot STDIF
# stplotGoogleMaps(HRtemp08_jan,zcol='TEMP', mapTypeId='ROADMAP',w='49%',h='49%')
# plot STDIF bubble 
# stplotGoogleMaps(HRtemp08_jan,zcol='TEMP',stfilename='HR_temp.html', 
#            mapTypeId='ROADMAP',w='49%',h='49%',  strokeOpacity = 0,
#           do.bubble=T, bubble= list(max.radius=15000,
#           key.entries =quantile(HRtemp08_jan@data[,'TEMP'],(1:5)/5, na.rm=T),
#                  do.sqrt = F) )
## STFDF data from spacetime vignette spacetime: Spatio-Temporal Data in R 
# states.m = map('state', plot=FALSE, fill=TRUE)
# IDs <- sapply(strsplit(states.m$names, ":"), function(x) x[1])
# library("maptools")
#states = map2SpatialPolygons(states.m, IDs=IDs)
#yrs = 1970:1986
#time = as.POSIXct(paste(yrs, "-01-01", sep=""), tz = "GMT")
# library("plm")
#Produc.st = STFDF(states[-8], time, Produc[order(Produc[2], Produc[1]),])
#Produc.st@sp@proj4string=CRS('+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84')
#ee= stplotGoogleMaps(Produc.st,zcol='unemp',stfilename='USA.htm',
#   colPalette=brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd"), mapTypeId='ROADMAP',
#w='49%',h='49%', fillOpacity=0.85)
## without control
# ee= stplotGoogleMaps(Produc.st,zcol='unemp',
#   stfilename='USA2.htm',colPalette=brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd"), 
# mapTypeId='ROADMAP',w='33%',h='25%', fillOpacity=0.85, control.width=0)                

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab