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stri_datetime_format: Date and Time Formatting and Parsing


These functions convert a given date/time object to a character vector or conversely.


stri_datetime_format(time, format = "uuuu-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", tz = NULL,
  locale = NULL)

stri_datetime_parse(str, format = "uuuu-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", lenient = FALSE, tz = NULL, locale = NULL)



an object of class POSIXct or an object coercible to


single string, see Details; see also stri_datetime_fstr


NULL or "" for the default time zone or a single string with a timezone identifier, see stri_timezone_list


NULL or "" for default locale, or a single string with locale identifier; a non-Gregorian calendar may be specified by setting the @calendar=name keyword


character vector


single logical value; should date/time parsing be lenient?


Further arguments to be passed from or to other methods.


stri_datetime_format returns a character vector.

stri_datetime_parse returns an object of class POSIXct.


Vectorized over time or str.

By default, stri_datetime_format (unlike format.POSIXst) formats a date/time object using the current default time zone. This is for the sake of compatibility with the strftime function.

format may be one of DT_STYLE or DT_relative_STYLE, where DT is equal to date, time, or datetime, and STYLE is equal to full, long, medium, or short. This gives a locale-dependent date and/or time format. Note that currently ICU does not support relative time formats, so this flag is currently ignored in such a context.

Otherwise, format is a pattern: a string, where specific sequences of characters are replaced with date and time data from a calendar when formatting or used to generate data for a calendar when parsing. For example, y stands for the year. Characters may be used multiple times. For instance, if y is used for the year, yy might produce 99, whereas yyyy produces 1999. For most numerical fields, the number of characters specifies the field width. For example, if h is the hour, h might produce 5, but hh produces 05. For some characters, the count specifies whether an abbreviated or full form should be used, but may have other choices, as given below.

Two single quotes represent a literal single quote, either inside or outside single quotes. Text within single quotes is not interpreted in any way (except for two adjacent single quotes). Otherwise all ASCII letter from a to z and A to Z are reserved as syntax characters, and require quoting if they are to represent literal characters. In addition, certain ASCII punctuation characters may become variable in the future (eg : being interpreted as the time separator and / as a date separator, and replaced by respective locale-sensitive characters in display).

Symbol Meaning Example(s) Output
G era designator G, GG, or GGG AD
GGGG Anno Domini
y year yy 96
y or yyyy 1996
u extended year u 4601
U cyclic year name, as in Chinese lunar calendar U
r related Gregorian year r 1996
Q quarter Q or QQ 02
QQQQ 2nd quarter
q Stand Alone quarter q or qq 02
qqq Q2
qqqq 2nd quarter
qqqqq 2
M month in year M or MM 09
MMMM September
L Stand Alone month in year L or LL 09
LLLL September
w week of year w or ww 27
W week of month W 2
d day in month d 2
dd 02
D day of year D 189
F day of week in month F 2 (2nd Wed in July)
g modified Julian day g 2451334
E day of week E, EE, or EEE Tue
EEEE Tuesday
e local day of week e or ee 2
example: if Monday is 1st day, Tuesday is 2nd ) eee Tue
eeee Tuesday
eeeee T
eeeeee Tu
c Stand Alone local day of week c or cc 2
ccc Tue
cccc Tuesday
ccccc T
cccccc Tu
a am/pm marker a pm
h hour in am/pm (1~12) h 7
hh 07
H hour in day (0~23) H 0
HH 00
k hour in day (1~24) k 24
kk 24
K hour in am/pm (0~11) K 0
KK 00
m minute in hour m 4
mm 04
s second in minute s 5
ss 05
S fractional second - truncates (like other time fields) S 2
to the count of letters when formatting. Appends SS 23
zeros if more than 3 letters specified. Truncates at SSS 235
three significant digits when parsing. SSSS 2350
A milliseconds in day A 61201235
z Time Zone: specific non-location z, zz, or zzz PDT
zzzz Pacific Daylight Time
Z Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hms? / RFC 822 Z, ZZ, or ZZZ -0800
Time Zone: long localized GMT (=OOOO) ZZZZ GMT-08:00
Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hms? (=XXXXX) ZZZZZ -08:00, -07:52:58, Z
O Time Zone: short localized GMT O GMT-8
Time Zone: long localized GMT (=ZZZZ) OOOO GMT-08:00
v Time Zone: generic non-location v PT
(falls back first to VVVV) vvvv Pacific Time or Los Angeles Time
V Time Zone: short time zone ID V uslax
Time Zone: long time zone ID VV America/Los_Angeles
Time Zone: time zone exemplar city VVV Los Angeles
Time Zone: generic location (falls back to OOOO) VVVV Los Angeles Time
X Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hm?, with Z for 0 X -08, +0530, Z
Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hm, with Z XX -0800, Z
Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hm, with Z XXX -08:00, Z
Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hms?, with Z XXXX -0800, -075258, Z
Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hms?, with Z XXXXX -08:00, -07:52:58, Z
x Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hm?, without Z for 0 x -08, +0530
Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hm, without Z xx -0800
Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hm, without Z xxx -08:00
Time Zone: ISO8601 basic hms?, without Z xxxx -0800, -075258
Time Zone: ISO8601 extended hms?, without Z xxxxx -08:00, -07:52:58
' escape for text ' (nothing)

Note that any characters in the pattern that are not in the ranges of [a-z] and [A-Z] will be treated as quoted text. For instance, characters like :, ., (a space), # and @ will appear in the resulting time text even they are not enclosed within single quotes. The single quote is used to ``escape'' letters. Two single quotes in a row, inside or outside a quoted sequence, represent a ``real'' single quote.

Here are some examples:

Exemplary Pattern Result
yyyy.MM.dd 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz 2015.12.31 at 23:59:59 GMT+1
EEE, MMM d, ''yy czw., gru 31, '15
h:mm a 11:59 PM
hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz 11 o'clock PM, GMT+01:00
K:mm a, z 11:59 PM, GMT+1
yyyyy.MMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa 2015.grudnia.31 n.e. 11:59 PM
uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ 2015-12-31T23:59:59+0100 (the ISO 8601 guideline)


Formatting Dates and Times - ICU User Guide, http://userguide.icu-project.org/formatparse/datetime

See Also

Other datetime: stri_datetime_add, stri_datetime_create, stri_datetime_fields, stri_datetime_fstr, stri_datetime_now, stri_datetime_symbols, stri_timezone_get, stri_timezone_info, stri_timezone_list


Run this code
stri_datetime_parse(c("2015-02-28", "2015-02-29"), "yyyy-MM-dd")
stri_datetime_parse(c("2015-02-28", "2015-02-29"), "yyyy-MM-dd", lenient=TRUE)
stri_datetime_parse("19 lipca 2015", "date_long", locale="pl_PL")
stri_datetime_format(stri_datetime_now(), "datetime_relative_medium")

# }

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