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stringi (version 1.1.7)

stri_duplicated: Determine Duplicated Elements


stri_duplicated() determines which strings in a character vector are duplicates of other elements.

stri_duplicated_any() determines if there are any duplicated strings in a character vector.


stri_duplicated(str, fromLast = FALSE, ..., opts_collator = NULL)

stri_duplicated_any(str, fromLast = FALSE, ..., opts_collator = NULL)



a character vector


a single logical value; indicating whether duplication should be considered from the reverse side


additional settings for opts_collator


a named list with ICU Collator's options as generated with stri_opts_collator, NULL for default collation options


stri_duplicated() returns a logical vector of the same length as str. Each of its elements indicates whether a canonically equivalent string was already found in str.

stri_duplicated_any() returns a single non-negative integer. Value of 0 indicates that all the elements in str are unique. Otherwise, it gives the index of the first non-unique element.


Missing values are regarded as equal.

Unlike duplicated and anyDuplicated, these functions test for canonical equivalence of strings (and not whether the strings are just bytewise equal) Such operations are locale-dependent. Hence, stri_duplicated and stri_duplicated_any are significantly slower (but much better suited for natural language processing) than their base R counterpart.

See also stri_unique for extracting unique elements.


Collation - ICU User Guide, http://userguide.icu-project.org/collation

See Also

Other locale_sensitive: %s<%, stri_compare, stri_count_boundaries, stri_enc_detect2, stri_extract_all_boundaries, stri_locate_all_boundaries, stri_opts_collator, stri_order, stri_split_boundaries, stri_trans_tolower, stri_unique, stri_wrap, stringi-locale, stringi-search-boundaries, stringi-search-coll

Other locale_sensitive: %s<%, stri_compare, stri_count_boundaries, stri_enc_detect2, stri_extract_all_boundaries, stri_locate_all_boundaries, stri_opts_collator, stri_order, stri_split_boundaries, stri_trans_tolower, stri_unique, stri_wrap, stringi-locale, stringi-search-boundaries, stringi-search-coll


Run this code
# In the following examples, we have 3 duplicated values,
# "a" - 2 times, NA - 1 time
stri_duplicated(c("a", "b", "a", NA, "a", NA))
stri_duplicated(c("a", "b", "a", NA, "a", NA), fromLast=TRUE)
stri_duplicated_any(c("a", "b", "a", NA, "a", NA))

# compare the results:
stri_duplicated(c("\u0105", stri_trans_nfkd("\u0105")))
duplicated(c("\u0105", stri_trans_nfkd("\u0105")))

stri_duplicated(c("gro\u00df", "GROSS", "Gro\u00df", "Gross"), strength=1)
duplicated(c("gro\u00df", "GROSS", "Gro\u00df", "Gross"))

# }

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