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stringi (version 1.2.4)

stri_enc_fromutf32: Convert From UTF-32


This function converts integer vectors, representing sequences of UTF-32 code points, to UTF-8 strings.





a list of integer vectors (or objects coercible to such vectors) or NULLs. For convenience, a single integer vector can also be given.


Returns a character vector (in UTF-8). NULLs in the input list are converted to NA_character_.


UTF-32 is a 32bit encoding in which each Unicode code point corresponds to exactly one integer value.

This function roughly acts like a vectorized version of intToUtf8. As usual in stringi, it returns character strings in UTF-8. See stri_enc_toutf32 for a dual operation.

If an incorrect code point is given, a warning is generated and a string is set to NA. Note that 0s are not allowed in vec, as they are used internally to mark the end of a string (in the C API).

See also stri_encode for decoding arbitrary byte sequences from any given encoding.

See Also

Other encoding_conversion: stri_enc_toascii, stri_enc_tonative, stri_enc_toutf32, stri_enc_toutf8, stri_encode, stringi-encoding