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stringi (version 1.2.4)

stri_join: Concatenate Character Vectors


These are the stringi's equivalents of the built-in paste function. stri_c and stri_paste are aliases for stri_join.


stri_join(..., sep = "", collapse = NULL, ignore_null = FALSE)

stri_c(..., sep = "", collapse = NULL, ignore_null = FALSE)

stri_paste(..., sep = "", collapse = NULL, ignore_null = FALSE)



character vectors (or objects coercible to character vectors) which corresponding elements are to be concatenated


a single string; separates terms


a single string or NULL; an optional results separator


a single logical value; if TRUE, then empty vectors on input are silently ignored


Returns a character vector.


Vectorized over each atomic vector in `...`.

Unless collapse is NULL, the result will be a single string. Otherwise, you get a character vector of length equal to the length of the longest argument.

If any of the arguments in `...` is a vector of length 0 (not to be confused with vectors of empty strings) and ignore_null=FALSE, then you will get a 0-length character vector in result.

If collapse or sep has length greater than 1, then only the first string will be used.

In case missing values in any of the input vectors, NA is set to the corresponding element. Note that this behavior is different from paste, which treats missing values as ordinary strings like "NA". Moreover, as usual in stringi, the resulting strings are always in UTF-8.

See Also

Other join: stri_dup, stri_flatten, stri_join_list


Run this code
stri_join(1:13, letters)
stri_join(1:13, letters, sep='!')
stri_join(1:13, letters, collapse='?')
stri_join(1:13, letters, sep='!', collapse='?')
stri_join(c('abc', '123', '\u0105\u0104'),'###', 1:5, sep='...')
stri_join(c('abc', '123', '\u0105\u0104'),'###', 1:5, sep='...', collapse='?')

do.call(stri_c, list(c("a", "b", "c"), c("1", "2"), sep='!'))
do.call(stri_c, list(c("a", "b", "c"), c("1", "2"), sep='!', collapse='$'))

# }

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